7 Best Compliance Automation Tools

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September 12, 2024
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Handling the compliance management tasks for your business may become a full-time job. The process is daunting and time-consuming. Moreover, even the slightest mistake can cause various problems for your business.

The regulations change constantly, making it extremely hard to keep up. On the other hand, non-compliance can lead to fines, data breaches, loss of customer trust, operational disruptions, and more.

But, what if we tell you there’s an easy way to help your business adhere to the changing compliance and regulations? This is where compliance automation tools come into the picture.

With these tools, you can automate the overall SaaS compliance processes. However, choosing the right tool may become challenging, given the many available options.

We have prepared this article to help you choose the perfect compliance automation tools. This blog will discuss some of the best tools to help you automate your business’s compliance process.

If you don’t want to manually handle the ever-changing and complicated compliance management, these tools will prove highly beneficial. Let’s get started.

What Do You Mean by Compliance Automation?

Compliance automation is the modern way of complying with changing regulations. Instead of relying on manual methods, compliance automation uses software tools to automate these tasks. Thus, you can ensure that your company meets legal and internal policy requirements.

Moreover, these tools include monitoring compliance activities and tracking regulatory changes. These tools can also generate reports and ensure that all necessary documentation is updated and accessible.

The primary goal of compliance automation is to reduce the risk of human error. But that’s not all. Compliance automation can also help you save time and enhance the accuracy of your compliance-related tasks.

Automating these processes will help you maintain compliance with industry standards. This will reduce the risks of penalties or reputational damage due to non-compliance.

What Are Compliance Automation Tools and Why Are They Important?

Compliance automation tools are software solutions to help you automate and streamline your compliance processes. These tools can automate various compliance-related tasks to ensure the documents are organized.

These tools are often integrated with other systems to provide a detailed compliance management report. Here are some reasons why such tools are important:

Cost Savings

Compliance automation tools can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, helping you reduce human error. This ensures that your compliance processes are faster and more accurate.

Real-Time Monitoring

These tools often provide real-time monitoring and alerts. Thus, you will stay informed about any regulatory changes or potential compliance issues as they arise. This approach helps you address problems before they escalate.

Risk Mitigation

Compliance failures can result in hefty fines and damage your business’s overall reputation. Automation tools help you meet regulatory requirements and industry standards, reducing non-compliance risk.


As your business grows, so do your compliance obligations. Compliance automation tools can easily scale with your organization. These tools will ensure you remain compliant across different regions and business niches.


With compliance automation tools, you can maintain records that are easily accessible during audits. This simplifies the auditing process and helps you showcase your commitment to regulatory adherence.

Top 7 Compliance Automation Tools

1. CloudEagle.ai

Coming first on our list is CloudEagle.ai, a SaaS management and procurement platform to help you discover, optimize, govern, and renew SaaS licenses.

With CloudEagle.ai’s end-to-end identity and access management features and a centralized dashboard, you can manage user access, permissions, and roles.

CloudEagle.ai provides a comprehensive solution for streamlining your identity and access management processes, boasting over 500 integrations, including those with SSO, finance, and HRIS systems.

With CloudEagle.ai's robust integration features, you gain complete visibility into all your users and their application access. This allows you to manage and organize all users on a single platform, analyze their access, and leverage workflows to efficiently provision and deprovision users.

Key Features

Identity and Access Management

Using CloudEagle.ai simplifies the process of access monitoring and reviews. Instead of visiting individual apps to oversee access, you can manage and audit all your SaaS app access through CloudEagle.ai's intuitive dashboard.

Image of Cloudeagle's access monitoring module

CloudEagle.ai recognizes the critical importance of protecting privileged accounts, especially given how attractive they are to hackers. With this platform, you can confidently assign the appropriate level of access, ensuring your privileged accounts remain secure.

Furthermore, CloudEagle.ai also allows you to grant timed access to users. You can set a specific duration during which a user can access an application, and once that period expires, the access is automatically revoked.

Here’s a success story of Alice Park from Remediant. Watch the YouTube video to see how CloudEagle.ai streamlines user management for their business.

Automated App Access Reviews

Put your SOC 2 and ISO 27001 access reviews on autopilot with CloudEagle.ai. No more tedious logging into each app to review access or scrambling to provide proof of deprovisioning.

Image of Cloudeagle's access review module

Everything you need is right at your fingertips on one streamlined dashboard, making compliance effortless and hassle-free.

Self-Service App Catalog

The self-service app catalog streamlines app access for both employees and admins. Users can request access without leaving Slack, and they'll receive notifications via email and Slack when a request is made.

This method simplifies and accelerates access approvals, eliminating the need for employees to wait or chase down app administrators. With quick approvals through Slack and email, employees can gain access swiftly and start being productive from day one.

Image of Cloudeagle's license access module

The self-service app catalog also helps you prevent shadow IT by providing a centralized hub for all your business’s SaaS applications. This way, employees are less likely to accidentally purchase redundant apps, ensuring consistency and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Auto User Provisioning

Manual employee onboarding can be a lengthy process, but CloudEagle.ai’s auto-provisioning workflows make it seamless and automated.

After integrating, CloudEagle.ai gathers and organizes your application stack data, sorting applications by your business’s departments.

Image of Cloudeagle's Auto user provisioning module

With just a few clicks, you can set up workflows that automatically grant app access to new employees based on their roles and departments, freeing up valuable time for your IT team and simplifying the onboarding process.

When new hires join your business, they won’t have to wait for app access tailored to their roles. CloudEagle.ai automatically recommends the appropriate applications based on their designation, enabling your employees to hit the ground running and be productive from day one.

Automated User Deprovisioning

When an employee leaves, there's no need to revoke access from each app manually. With CloudEagle.ai's deprovisioning workflows, you can remove all access with a single click.

Image of Cloudeagle's Automated user deprovisioning module

You can also set up workflows to manage inactive employees. If a user hasn't logged into an application within a certain timeframe, the workflows can automatically revoke access, helping you prevent potential security risks.

Compliance Management

Your business must comply with the latest security regulations to avoid serious issues such as hefty fines and data breaches. Non-compliance can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions and compromise your data security.

With CloudEagle.ai, you can collect critical data and achieve centralized visibility to verify the compliance certifications of all your SaaS applications.

CloudEagle.ai continuously tests for potential vulnerabilities, performs external audits, and manages certifications. It provides comprehensive access to track all account logs, ensuring complete visibility into your compliance status.


  • Both you and your employees will have a clear overview of all SaaS applications, helping to avoid redundant purchases and reducing the risks associated with shadow IT.
  • Detailed application logs enable thorough investigations in case of a breach, providing crucial information for addressing security incidents.
  • With the ability to grant app access for a specified period, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to remove access after it's no longer needed.
  • You'll receive a comprehensive SaaS application catalog, giving you clear insights into which employees are using which apps.


CloudEagle.ai provides a clear and transparent pricing structure. Here are the three pricing plans:

  • Starter: $2,000/month
  • Growth: $3,000/month
  • Enterprise: $4,000/month

2. Sprinto

Image of Sprinto dashboard

Sprinto is a powerful compliance automation tool to help your business achieve and maintain various compliance certifications. Sprinto is capable of automating the entire compliance process. From initial assessment to ongoing monitoring, it’s a reliable tool to streamline compliance efforts.

Key Features.

  • Automated Evidence Collection: Sprinto automatically collects and organizes the necessary evidence required for compliance audits.
  • Continuous Monitoring: The tool monitors your systems and processes, ensuring your business stays compliant.
  • Pre-Built Frameworks: Sprinto offers pre-built compliance frameworks tailored to specific certifications. You can quickly align your processes with industry standards.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Sprinto provides real-time alerts and notifications for any compliance issues or deviations.


  • Sprinto has a user-friendly interface. Thus, you can navigate and use the platform effectively.
  • It can help your business achieve compliance faster than traditional methods.
  • As your business grows, Sprinto scales with you, ensuring your business remains adaptable to changing needs.


  • For smaller businesses or startups, the cost of using Sprinto may be a significant investment.
  • Some users might find that Sprinto's pre-built frameworks lack flexibility.


Sprinto doesn’t disclose the pricing structure on its website. Schedule a demo with their compliance experts to receive flexible pricing plans.

3. Vanta

Image of Vanta dashboard

Vanta can help your business maintain security certifications such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, and GDPR. It simplifies the process of building and managing a robust security posture. As a result, you can focus on your core business activities while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Key Features

  • Customizable Compliance Frameworks: Vanta offers customizable frameworks that can be tailored to meet the specific compliance requirements of your organization.
  • Integrations with Popular Tools: Vanta integrates seamlessly with various tools and platforms, such as AWS and Slack.
  • Effortless Audit Preparation: Vanta automatically collects evidence and generates reports, making it easier for you to prepare for audits.
  • Automated Security Monitoring: Vanta continuously monitors your systems to identify potential security risks and compliance issues.


  • Vanta provides extensive coverage of security and compliance requirements.
  • Intuitive dashboards and clear guidance make Vanta accessible even for teams with limited compliance experience.
  • Vanta has a responsive and knowledgeable customer support team to address your queries.
  • It can automate time-consuming compliance management tasks. Thus, your team can focus on more strategic tasks.


  • Vanta can be expensive, especially for small businesses or startups.
  • Some users reported that the available customization doesn’t fully meet their specific needs.


Vanta has three pricing plans:

  • Scale
  • Collaborate
  • Core

However, the exact pricing structure isn’t mentioned on the website. You need to schedule a demo to receive a customized quote.

4. Drata

Image of Drata dashboard

Drata is a leading compliance automation tool to help your business maintain compliance standards. With Data, you can significantly enhance your security posture and reduce audit-related stress. This way, you will gain a competitive advantage through trust and transparency.

Key Features

  • Risk Management Dashboard: Drata’s intuitive dashboard provides a clear overview of your compliance status.
  • Audit-Ready Reports: The platform automatically generates audit-ready reports, complete with all the necessary evidence and documentation.
  • Seamless Integrations: Drata integrates with over 75 different platforms and tools, including AWS, GitHub, Calendly, Google Workspace, and many more.
  • Dynamic Compliance Frameworks: Drata offers dynamic compliance frameworks that adapt to the specific needs of your organization.


  • Drata has a quick and straightforward implementation process. It can help you monitor compliance within days.
  • Drata covers a wide range of compliance needs, making it suitable for small and large businesses.
  • The transparent navigation makes it easy for teams of all sizes to use effectively.
  • With this tool, you don’t need to worry about facing new regulatory challenges.


  • There’s an initial learning curve for teams new to compliance automation.
  • Limited customization options for ​​specific compliance requirements.


Contact the sales team and they will provide you with customized pricing as per your needs.

5. Hyperproof

Image of Hyperproof dashboard

Hyperproof is another versatile compliance automation tool you need to know about. Thanks to its support for various compliance standards, this tool can prove highly beneficial for your business. It can help your business efficiently manage risk and ensure audit readiness.

Key Features

  • Centralized GRC Platform: Hyperproof merges various aspects of governance, risk, and compliance into a unified platform, improving efficiency and visibility.
  • Evidence Management: The platform simplifies evidence collection and organization by providing a centralized repository for evidence.
  • Audit Management: Hyperproof can automate audit planning, and scheduling, and manage audit workflows. This way, it can streamline the audit process completely.
  • Risk Management: Hyperproof offers tools for identifying potential risks and assessing the impact of risks. It can also track risk remediation progress.


  • The platform’s collaboration tools boost communication and task management among different teams.
  • The platform keeps a detailed audit trail, making it easier to track changes.
  • This compliance automation tool offers numerous customizable controls that can be adapted to suit specific compliance requirements.
  • The detailed and customizable reporting features generate high-quality insights.


  • Hyperproof’s extensive features can overwhelm you, especially when you have simpler compliance needs.
  • You can face problems when integrating Hyperproof with less common or custom systems.


Visit the Hyperproof website and book a custom demo with the experts.

6. Scrut

Image of Scrut dashboard

Scrut is a compliance automation platform that specializes in risk management and continuous monitoring. It offers a unique approach by focusing on building a risk-first information security program. It can continuously assess and prioritize risks based on their potential impact.

Key Features

  • Policy Management: The tool includes a robust policy management system that helps you create and manage policies aligned with regulatory standards.
  • Third-Party Risk Management: Scrut offers features to assess and manage the compliance risks associated with third-party vendors and partners.
  • Automated Evidence Collection: Scrut automates the evidence collection process to help your business stay prepared for compliance assessments.
  • Customizable Compliance Frameworks: The platform allows you to customize compliance frameworks.


  • Scrut not only helps with compliance but also enhances your overall security posture.
  • This tool offers a smooth onboarding process with clear guidance.
  • Scrut provides flexible reporting options that allow you to generate insights.
  • Helps you assess and mitigate risks from your vendors, which will be useful when you have an extensive vendor network.


  • The interface is complex and may require some time for users to understand properly.
  • Scrut has fewer integrations with third-party applications.


If you want to use Scrut, make sure you contact their sales team and discuss your needs.

7. Onspring

Image of Onspring dashboard

The last compliance automation tool on our list is Onspring. With this professional automation tool, you will never face any problems managing your business’s compliance processes. Onspring is primarily popular for its customizable features and user-friendly interface.

Key Features

  • Customizable Dashboards: Onspring offers customizable dashboards that provide a clear view of your compliance status and key metrics.
  • Integrated Risk Management: The platform includes integrated risk management features that help you assess and mitigate potential risks.
  • Automated Workflow Management: The tool automates various compliance workflows. Whether you own a small business or a large enterprise, you will find it helpful.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Onspring offers real-time analytics and reporting. With these insights, you can make more data-driven decisions.


  • Onspring’s centralized document management system can help you retrieve documents easily.
  • The automation features are super effective and can reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency.
  • The real-time analytics provide comprehensive visibility into your compliance status.
  • Thanks to its high customizability, this tool can cater to your business’s different needs.


  • Many reviews stated that the cost is relatively higher for startups and small businesses.
  • The initial setup can be complex and require a significant amount of time and effort.


If you want to use Onspring, visit their website and request a demo.


In 2024, compliance automation tools are crucial for streamlining processes and meeting regulatory requirements. The top 7 tools featured here offer various features to boost efficiency, accuracy, and security, making them ideal for both startups and growing businesses.

Compliance automation tools can highly improve efficiency and reduce compliance risks. And using top compliance automation platforms can help you save time, cut costs, and lower the risk of non-compliance.

With CloudEagle.ai, you don’t need to worry about your business being non-compliant with regulations. This platform will make compliance audits easier.

Do you want to use CloudEagle.ai? Make sure you book a demo with the experts today.

Written by
Prasanna Naik
Co-founder, CloudEagle
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