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Price Benchmarks

Stop Overpaying for SaaS

No more guessing or calling friends for benchmarking data. Get access to unbiased price benchmarking data compiled from 1B+ transactions, and compare against your peers to pay fair prices during procurement and renewals.

Negotiate with confidence and close deals swiftly using our pricing intelligence. Say goodbye to exhaustive peer consultations; access real-time data instantly from our AI-powered database which provides the most accurate price benchmarks in the market.

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Streamline SaaS Buying and Drive Efficiency by Outsourcing


Hours saved in procurement


Spend Negotiated


savings realized

Curtains up on pricing intelligence

onboarding, prompt offboarding
Get all the ammunition you need for negotiations with our SaaS Map. A mega-database of 150,000+ vendors powered by AI and ML algorithms. It updates weekly with data compiled from field experts, 1B+ transactions, and a vast network of SaaS buyers, providing the latest benchmarking data.
onboarding, prompt offboarding
App recommendations

Fact check your spend

Effortlessly determine if your pricing exceeds or falls below benchmark levels for your company size based on your license count, contract term, and average cost per license. Turn the tables on vendors with this actionable data and never pay more than you should.

SaaS Buying guides

We not only show you the best benchmarking price but also how to get there. With data collected from real buyers, buying guides ensure you go into negotiations knowing exactly how the conversation is going to play out.
App recommendations

Mitigate risk and get 100% visibility with CloudEagle