6 Best SaaS Security Posture Management Tools

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September 11, 2024
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In 2024, SaaS applications are more important than ever. Besides enhancing operations, SaaS apps can promote seamless collaborations across your departments and drive overall efficiency. However, as your business expands, so does the number of SaaS applications.

This leads to various security challenges, including unauthorized access, misconfigurations, and data breaches. As these risks can affect your business, you cannot neglect the importance of effective security practices.

You can address the security risks with effective SaaS security posture management tools. These tools will help you monitor your SaaS applications without any problems. You can identify security vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with regulations.

But, choosing the best SSPM tools can prove daunting. You must thoroughly analyze the features, pros, cons, and pricing. We have done the heavy lifting for you.

This article will discuss the 6 best SSPM tools available in the market. We will highlight the important features so that you can choose the right one for your business. Let’s get started.


  • SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) tools monitor and secure SaaS applications, addressing risks like unauthorized access and misconfigurations.
  • SSPM tools provide continuous monitoring, real-time threat detection, and compliance management to protect SaaS environments.
  • Top SSPM tools include CloudEagle.ai, AppOmni, Netskope, Adaptive Shield, Zygon, and Cynet, each offering unique features for enhanced security.
  • CloudEagle.ai offers extensive features, including app access control, automated onboarding/offboarding, and compliance management, with 500+ integrations.
  • Properly choosing an SSPM tool can improve security, enhance compliance, and streamline SaaS management for your organization.

What is SaaS Security Posture Management?

SaaS security posture management (SSPM) is an approach to monitor SaaS application security risks. It identifies various cloud security issues including excess user permissions, misconfigurations, compliance risks, irrelevant user accounts, etc..

SSPM provides monitoring and management of the security configurations and activities within SaaS applications. This way, you can ensure the security of SaaS applications.

You're mistaken if you think you can address these with traditional security measures. These security measures often fail to address the unique challenges SaaS environments pose. SSPM provides a specialized approach to SaaS application security, filling the gaps.

This proactive approach can identify potential risks and mitigate threats to create a compliant SaaS environment. Moreover, you can protect your business from insider and outsider threats.

What are SaaS Security Posture Management Tools and Why Do You Need Them?

SSPM tools are used to assess and improve the security posture of your SaaS applications. These specialized software solutions can help your business monitor and enhance the security of SaaS applications.

These tools provide complete transparency over the security configurations and compliance status. This way, you can ensure you protect the data and maintain regulatory compliance. Here are some reasons why SSPM tools are essential:

  • Enhanced Security: SSPM tools provide continuous monitoring and real-time threat detection. This will help you identify and mitigate security risks before they can be exploited.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Many industries have to follow regulatory requirements with specific security controls and practices. SSPM tools can help you ensure compliance with these regulations.
  • Risk Management: SSPM tools can assess the risk posture of SaaS applications. This way, you can prioritize the security efforts and allocate resources effectively. This ensures that critical security issues are addressed promptly.
  • Operational Efficiency: SSPM tools automate many aspects of SaaS security management, such as policy enforcement and compliance checks. This automation reduces the burden on IT and security teams.
  • Visibility and Control: SSPM tools offer comprehensive visibility into the security configurations and activities of SaaS applications. This visibility is crucial for detecting unauthorized access and potential security gaps.

When you choose the right SaaS security posture management tool, you can safeguard your business’s Data. Moreover, you can boost the security posture, keeping the malicious people at bay.

Top 6 SaaS Security Posture Management Tools


CloudEagle is a SaaS management and procurement platform designed to help you discover, optimize, govern, and renew your business’s SaaS applications. With its end-to-end identity and access management features, you can improve the security of your SaaS landscape.

CloudEagle has 500+ integrations, including SSO, finance, and HRIS system integrations, to streamline your identity and access management processes.

The integrations will help you gain complete visibility into all users and their application access. Manage and organize users in a single location, analyze their access, and leverage workflows to efficiently provision and deprovision users.

Key Features

Self-Service App Catalog

The self-service app catalog enables both employees and admins to request app access effortlessly without leaving Slack. When a request is made, email and Slack notifications are automatically sent.

This streamlined approach simplifies access approvals, eliminating the need for employees to wait or chase down app administrators. With Slack and email approvals, they can quickly gain app access and start being productive from day one.

Image of CloudEagle's license access request module

The self-service app catalog also helps prevent shadow IT by serving as a centralized hub for all your business’s SaaS applications. This ensures that employees won’t accidentally purchase duplicate or similar apps.

Access Control

CloudEagle simplifies access monitoring and reviews, eliminating the need to visit individual apps. Instead, you can manage and audit all your SaaS app access throughCloudEagle.ai’s highly intuitive dashboard.

This platform recognizes the critical importance of securing privileged accounts, which are often targeted by hackers. WithCloudEagle.ai, you can ensure that the appropriate level of access is assigned, keeping your business secure.

Image of CloudEagle's  access control module

Furthermore, you can grant users timed access to applications, setting a specific duration for which access is permitted. Once the allotted time expires, the access is automatically revoked.

Auto User Onboarding

Manual employee onboarding can be time-consuming, butCloudEagle.ai’s auto-provisioning workflows streamline and automate the process.

OnceCloudEagle.ai is integrated, it consolidates your application stack data and categorizes applications according to your business’s departments.

Image of CloudEagle's user onboarding module

You can easily set up workflows to automatically assign app access to new users based on their roles and departments, saving your IT team valuable time.

New hires won’t need to wait for app access based on their roles.CloudEagle.ai will recommend relevant applications based on their designation, allowing your new employees to start being productive from day one.

Auto User Offboarding

When an employee departs, there's no need to manually revoke access from each app.CloudEagle.ai’s deprovisioning workflows allow you to remove access with just one click. Thus, you can prevent security vulnerabilities from poor employee offboarding.

Image of CloudEagle's user offboarding module

Additionally, you can configure workflows to manage inactive employees. If a user hasn’t logged into an application for a specified period, workflows can automatically revoke access to mitigate security risks.

Let’s take a look at howCloudEagle.ai’s auto-provisioning and deprovisioning workflows helped Remediant:

How Remediant Streamlined User Provisioning & De-provisioning

Compliance Management

Your business must adhere to the latest security regulations to avoid significant issues such as hefty fines and data breaches. Non-compliant applications increase the risk of data breaches and putting your sensitive information at risk.

Ensuring that all your SaaS applications meet compliance standards is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your security posture.

Purchasing non-compliant SaaS apps or poor security practices can lead to several problems, including:

  • Legal repercussions
  • Reputational damage
  • Increased liability
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Financial penalties

Manual compliance management can be both risky and challenging. WithCloudEagle.ai, you can efficiently collect essential data and achieve centralized visibility, allowing you to easily verify the compliance certifications of all your SaaS applications.


  • You and your employees will have a clear view of all SaaS applications in use. This transparency allows for better assessment before purchasing new applications
  • Timed access will allow you to enhance security posture management by eliminating the risk of forgotten access removal. This approach ensures that access is automatically revoked when no longer needed
  • You will receive a comprehensive SaaS application catalog that provides insight into which employees are using which apps. This transparency enhances access control and improves overall management.
  • Detailed application logs provide critical information for conducting thorough investigations in the event of a breach within your business.


CloudEagle features a transparent pricing structure, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for with no hidden costs.

  • Starter: $2,000/month
  • Growth: $3,000/month
  • Enterprise: $4,000/month

2. AppOmni

Image of Appomni dashboard

AppOmni is a popular SaaS security posture Management tool. It can protect sensitive data and maintain a strong security posture within cloud-based applications. Its features can protect your company from data breaches and other cyber threats.

Key Features

  • Data Exposure Detection: Advanced capabilities to identify sensitive data exposure risks across various SaaS applications. It can monitor data access and usage to prevent unauthorized data sharing and leakage.
  • Threat Detection and Response: Excellent threat detection algorithms to identify malicious activities and anomalies. You can respond to incidents and mitigate risks effectively.
  • Identity and Access Management: Effective IAM controls, thanks to access policies and real-time visibility into user activities. This helps prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Compliance Monitoring: The platform assists organizations in achieving and maintaining compliance with industry regulations. It can automate compliance checks and generate reports.


  • It provides deep visibility into SaaS environments to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities effectively.
  • A unified platform with various security controls to address various SaaS security challenges.
  • Automated compliance checks and reporting can significantly reduce the time spent on regulatory compliance.
  • AppOmni's threat detection capabilities help minimize the impact of potential data breaches.


  • Mastering the features and functionalities requires significant time and effort.
  • Deploying and configuring AppOmni can be complex.


AppOmni doesn’t disclose pricing on its website. Request a demo with the team and the experts will create a customized pricing plan.

3. Netskope SaaS Security Posture Management

Image of Netskope dashboard

Netskope SaaS security posture management tool has gained quite a lot of fame recently. This tool is extremely effective at identifying and addressing security gaps. You will also receive automated checks and reports, which will simplify compliance efforts.

Key features

  • Continuous Monitoring: Netskope continuously assesses SaaS application configurations against security best practices and compliance standards.
  • Policy Enforcement: It allows you to define and implement custom security policies based on risk levels and compliance requirements.
  • Compliance Management: Netskope can help your organization achieve and maintain compliance with industry regulations.
  • Integration with CASB: As part of the Netskope Security Cloud, it seamlessly integrates with the company's CASB solution for enhanced protection.


  • Real-time threat detection capabilities significantly enhance the security of SaaS applications.
  • Netskope automates many aspects of SaaS security management, freeing up IT and security teams.
  • Netskope's detailed insights and automated remediation will allow you to respond to security incidents quickly.
  • You can focus more on security efforts and allocate resources effectively.


  • The platform might be expensive for small businesses
  • The dashboard is slightly complicated with users complaining about navigation.


If you want to see a demo or know more about the features, make sure you contact them.

4. Adaptive Shield

Image of Adaptive Shield dashboard

Adaptive Shield is a reliable name in the SaaS Security Posture Management landscape. Its thorough risk assessment will help you prioritize security efforts effectively. Moreover, quick and effective responses to security incidents will minimize security impacts on your organization.

Key Features

  • Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection: The platform continuously scans SaaS applications for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Real-time monitoring allows you to quickly identify and address risks.
  • Configuration Management: Adaptive Shield provides detailed insights into the security configurations of SaaS applications, helping you identify deviations from best practices.
  • Incident Response and Remediation: In case of a security incident, Adaptive Shield provides actionable insights and analytics to understand the breach's scope and impact.
  • Compliance Management: Adaptive Shield’s automated compliance simplifies checks, reporting, and audit trails.


  • Adaptive Shield integrates seamlessly with various SaaS applications. This way, you can benefit from its features without affecting the existing workflows.
  • The platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface. You will face no navigational problems.
  • Whether you are managing a few SaaS applications or hundreds, the platform can handle the growing needs of your business.
  • Adaptive Shield provides robust customer support, including detailed documentation, tutorials, support teams, and more.


  • While the platform is user-friendly, the initial setup and configuration can be complex.
  • Continuous monitoring and real-time threat detection can be resource-intensive. They can affect system performance if not managed properly.


Book a demo with the sales team to understand its features and benefits more effectively.

5. Zygon SaaS Security

Image of Zygon dashboard

Zygon SaaS Security focuses on providing complete visibility and control over SaaS applications. This is one of the best SaaS security posture management tools. Thanks to its excellent automation capabilities, you can reduce manual tasks and improve overall security operations.

Key Features

  • Identity Security: Zygon offers identity management capabilities, including user behavior analytics, authentication tracking, access control, access management, etc.
  • Data Security: Zygon helps protect sensitive data through features like data loss prevention (DLP) and data classification.
  • Risk Assessment: The tool continuously assesses user and application risks, providing actionable insights for mitigation.
  • Compliance Management: Just like other tools, it automates compliance checks and reporting. This way, Zygon helps your business meet industry regulations.


  • As a cloud-native solution, Zscaler is designed to integrate seamlessly with cloud environments.
  • Zscaler employs a zero trust security model, which ensures that all users and devices are continuously verified.
  • The platform is optimized for performance, offering low latency and high availability.
  • With a vast global network, Zscaler ensures consistent security enforcement and connectivity regardless of where users are located.


  • Due to its wide range of features, the learning curve is steep.
  • Customizing the security policies can be challenging.


Zygon has three transparent pricing plans.

  • Shadow SaaS Audit: $1/user/month
  • Standard: $4/user/month
  • Enterprise: Book a demo

6. Cynet SSPM

Image of Cynet SSPM dashboard

Cynet is another reliable SaaS security posture management tool to protect your business from threats. Thanks to its ease of use and security features, Cynet SSPM ensures the security and compliance of SaaS environments.

Key Features

  • Unified Dashboard: Cynet provides a centralized dashboard of the security posture across all SaaS applications. This unified interface allows for efficient monitoring and management.
  • User Activity Monitoring: Cynet tracks user activities across SaaS applications, helping to detect unusual behavior that might indicate a security breach or insider threat.
  • Automated Threat Detection: Cynet employs advanced algorithms and machine learning to continuously monitor SaaS applications for potential threats and anomalies.
  • Configuration and Compliance Management: The platform offers detailed insights into the configuration of SaaS applications, ensuring they meet industry standards.


  • This all-in-one solution covers various security needs.
  • Cynet's streamlined setup process allows for quicker deployment.
  • AI and machine learning for threat detection and automated responses help reduce manual intervention.
  • Cynet allows for highly customizable security policies that can be tailored to specific needs.


  • The platform's comprehensive threat detection can generate a high volume of alerts.
  • While basic features are user-friendly, the advanced features require significant training and expertise.


Cynet has two cost-effective pricing plans.

  • Elite: $7/user/month
  • All-in-one: $9/user/month


The rise of various SaaS applications ultimately promotes using various SaaS security posture management tools. While the market is crowded with many options, you must choose the right one for your company.

We’ve discussed the best 6 SaaS security posture management tools. However, make sure you determine your business’s needs before choosing the right one.

If you plan to enhance the overall security aspects of your SaaS tools and streamline SaaS management and procurement, you should use CloudEagle.ai. With its 500+ integrations, app access control, self-service catalog, and automated onboarding and offboarding, you don't have to worry about anything.

Do you want to use CloudEagle.ai? Make sure you schedule a demo, and the experts will contact you.

Written by
Vamshi Krishna
Product Manager, CloudEagle
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