6 Configuration Management Best Practices To Follow in 2024

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September 5, 2024
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Automation and the use of different tools have become increasingly prevalent in modern workplaces, and they reflect today's distributed organizational structure.

Your company likely has diverse teams, including IT, security, procurement, finance, and human resources, each utilizing different apps.

This increase in software across departments creates management challenges for leaders and heightens vulnerability to security threats compared to past years.

Configuration management addresses these issues by systematically organizing and controlling software settings and parameters across your IT stack.

As cyber risks evolve, you have to adapt your approach to managing configurations accordingly.

Implementing these six up-to-date configuration management best practices in 2024 will fortify your organization against threats, streamline operations, and ensure compliance.

Following these guidelines will enable you to navigate the complex IT sector, enhancing security and optimizing performance across your entire business structure.


  • Configuration management organizes and controls software settings across IT systems to improve security, efficiency, and compliance.
  • The primary goal is to ensure system integrity, minimize errors, and maintain reliable IT operations by tracking changes.
  • Configuration managers oversee documentation, item management, and harmonization across systems.
  • Best practices include:
    1. Establishing a CMDB for visibility and control.
    2. Automating configuration management for efficiency and scalability.
    3. Implementing robust change management.
    4. Standardizing configurations.
    5. Prioritizing compliance.
    6. Embracing Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • CloudEagle.ai offers configuration management tools to optimize and secure your IT stack, streamline processes, and ensure compliance.

What Is Configuration Management?

Image showing Configuration Management

Configuration management is a systematic approach to organizing and controlling changes in your software systems. It involves tracking and maintaining the settings, configurations, and attributes of your IT infrastructure.

When you implement configuration management best practices, you ensure consistency across your systems since you regularly track and update attributes.

This helps reduce errors because every change is logged and reviewed to prevent conflicts or misconfigurations.

As a result, your IT stack will stay reliable and efficient because issues will be detected and resolved quickly. This directly supports your business by minimizing downtime and disruptions to ensure smooth operations and continuous service delivery.

What Is the Primary Purpose of Configuration Management?

Configuration management's primary purpose is to ensure your IT systems' integrity. This means keeping your systems consistent and secure by tracking every change and making sure only approved updates are made.

By doing this, you prevent errors and unauthorized changes, which could lead to system failures.

Configuration management also makes your development and deployment processes controllable and repeatable, allowing for a smoother and more reliable operation.

Ultimately, it helps maintain a stable IT stack, reducing downtime and supporting continuous business operations.

What Does a Configuration Manager Do?

Below are the responsibilities of a configuration manager:

They Prepare the Complete Configuration Documentation

A configuration manager’s first responsibility is to prepare thorough documentation for all configurations.

This documentation is a blueprint detailing every aspect of the configuration process, including settings, components, and dependencies. This helps ensure everyone understands the system and can follow the guidelines accurately.

They Manage Configuration Items

A configuration manager also oversees the management of configuration items. This involves tracking each item, from creation to deployment, to ensure consistency and prevent unauthorized changes.

Proper management reduces the risk of errors and ensures all components work together smoothly.

They Coordinate Component Harmonization

Their role includes coordinating the harmonization of individual product components. This means making sure that each part of the system integrates seamlessly with others.

This coordination is crucial to avoid conflicts or misconfigurations, which could disrupt the system's functionality.

They Plan and Execute Lifecycle Management

Image showing change management life cycle

A configuration manager plans and executes configuration management throughout the entire product lifecycle.

This includes setting up configurations during the initial stages and maintaining them through updates and changes. Doing so ensures that the system remains stable and reliable from start to finish.

They Promote Interdisciplinary Understanding

Finally, they work to increase interdisciplinary understanding and transparency among departments.

They foster clear communication and collaboration, and this helps ensure that all teams are aligned with the configuration management process, leading to more efficient and effective product usage.

6 Configuration Management Best Practices

To optimize your IT stack and ensure robust security, efficiency, and compliance, consider implementing these six configuration management best practices:

1. Establish a Comprehensive Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

Image showing Comprehensive Configuration Management Database

A configuration management database (CMDB) is the cornerstone of effective configuration management. It's a centralized repository that stores and organizes information about all your IT assets and their relationships.

When you implement a CMDB, you create a single source of truth for your entire IT infrastructure.

Key Elements To Include in Your CMDB

  • Hardware: Servers, workstations, networking equipment.
  • Software: Applications, operating systems, licenses.
  • Network: Topology, IP addresses, protocols.
  • Services: Cloud services, APIs, integrations.

Benefits of a Well-maintained CMDB

  • Improved visibility: You gain a clear overview of your IT stack to ensure better decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Faster incident resolution: When issues arise, your team can quickly identify affected components and their dependencies, reducing downtime.
  • Risk reduction: By understanding the relationships between assets, you can better assess the impact of changes and mitigate potential risks.

2. Automate Configuration Management

Manual configuration management is no longer feasible in today's fast-paced IT environments. You have to automate it because it ensures consistency by applying standardized configurations across all systems without human error.

Automation also reduces errors by minimizing manual interventions, which often lead to mistakes.

Additionally, automation allows you to scale operations effectively by deploying changes across multiple environments simultaneously. This helps save time and resources while maintaining accuracy.

Areas to Focus on for Automation

  • Provisioning: Automatically set up new servers, applications, or services with predefined configurations.
  • Deployment: Streamline the process of rolling out updates or new software across your portfolio.
  • Configuration changes: Implement automated processes for making and tracking changes to existing configurations.

Popular Configuration Management Tools

  • CloudEagle: A simple-to-use SaaS management tool with extensive features, including configuration management.
  • Ansible: Known for its simplicity and agentless architecture.
  • Puppet: Offers robust scalability and an extensive module library.
  • Chef: Provides flexibility and integration with cloud platforms.

Benefits of Automation

  • Increased efficiency: Reduce the time and effort required for routine configuration tasks.
  • Reduced errors: Minimize human mistakes that can lead to misconfigurations and security vulnerabilities.
  • Improved scalability: Easily manage configurations across a growing number of systems and services.

3. Implement Robust Change Management

Change management and configuration management go hand in hand. A robust change management process ensures that all modifications to your IT stack are controlled, documented, and aligned with your business objectives.

Key Aspects of Effective Change Management

  • Standardized process: Establish a clear workflow for proposing, reviewing, and implementing changes.
  • Approval mechanisms: Define roles and responsibilities for change approval to ensure proper oversight.
  • Risk assessment: Evaluate the potential impact of changes on your systems and services.
  • Testing and validation: Thoroughly test changes in a staging environment before deployment.

Integrating Configuration Management Into Change Processes

Below is how you can incorporate configuration management into change processes:

  • Version control: Use version control systems to track configuration changes over time.
  • Rollback plans: Develop procedures to revert changes if unexpected issues arise.
  • Change documentation: Record all configuration modifications in your CMDB for future reference.

4. Enforce Configuration Standardization

Standardization is crucial for maintaining consistency and reliability across your IT infrastructure. By establishing and enforcing standardized configurations, you reduce complexity and minimize the risk of errors.

Steps To Implement Configuration Standardization

  1. Define baseline configurations: Create standard templates for different systems and services.
  2. Document standards: Clearly outline configuration requirements and best practices for your organization.
  3. Implement automated enforcement: Use configuration management tools to ensure compliance with standards.
  4. Regular audits: Conduct periodic reviews to identify and correct any deviations from standardized configurations.

Benefits of Standardization

  • Simplified management: Reduce the complexity of managing diverse configurations.
  • Improved security: Ensure consistent security settings across your infrastructure.
  • Faster troubleshooting: Easily identify and resolve issues in standardized environments.

5. Prioritize Configuration Compliance

Configuration compliance is about ensuring that your IT portfolio adheres to internal policies, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. When you make compliance a priority, you protect your organization from security risks and potential legal issues.

Critical Aspects of Configuration Compliance

  • Compliance frameworks: Identify relevant standards like ITIL, ISO 27001, or industry-specific regulations.
  • Continuous monitoring: Implement tools to check configurations against compliance requirements regularly.
  • Automated remediation: Use configuration management tools to correct non-compliant settings automatically.
  • Reporting and auditing: Generate compliance reports and maintain audit trails for all configuration changes.

Benefits of Prioritizing Compliance

  • Reduced risk: Minimize the likelihood of security breaches and data loss.
  • Improved security posture: Ensure your systems meet or exceed industry security standards.
  • Regulatory adherence: Avoid penalties and maintain good standing with regulatory bodies.

6. Embrace Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Image showing Infrastructure as code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach that manages and provisions IT infrastructure through machine-readable definition files rather than manual processes.

Adopting IaC allows you to treat your infrastructure configuration like software code to enable version control, testing, and automation.

Best Practices for Implementing IaC

  • Choose the right tools: Select IaC tools that align with your existing tech stack (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation).
  • Version control: Use Git or similar systems to manage and track changes to your infrastructure code.
  • Modularize configurations: Break down your infrastructure definitions into reusable modules for better maintainability.
  • Implement testing: Develop and run tests for your infrastructure code to catch issues before deployment.
  • Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD): Integrate IaC into your CI/CD pipeline for automated infrastructure updates.

Benefits of Embracing IaC

  • Consistency: Ensure that your infrastructure is deployed and managed consistently across environments.
  • Reproducibility: Easily recreate entire environments for testing, disaster recovery, or scaling.
  • Collaboration: Enable teams to work together more effectively on infrastructure management.
  • Documentation: Your infrastructure code serves as living documentation of your system architecture.


Implementing these six configuration management best practices will help enhance your organization's capabilities.

You'll improve security, efficiency, and overall performance by establishing a robust CMDB, standardizing, and prioritizing compliance. Moreover, embracing change management and infrastructure as code will future-proof your IT operations.

Consider automating your configuration management processes with CloudEagle to streamline these practices.

We are a SaaS management platform that offers comprehensive configuration management features like user management, access control, and integration management across your entire IT stack.

With our capabilities, we will help you maintain visibility, ensure compliance, and optimize your configurations effortlessly.

Take the next step in elevating your configuration management strategy. Book a demo with CloudEagle today to see how our platform can transform your approach to managing and securing your IT stack.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the stages of the configuration management process??

The configuration management process typically has five stages: planning, identification, control, status accounting, and verification and audit.

You begin by planning your approach, then identify and document configuration items. Next, you control changes to these items, followed by tracking their status and relationships. Finally, you verify and audit the process to ensure accuracy and compliance.

2. What are the four major activities that make up configuration management?

The four major activities that makeup configuration management are identification, control, status accounting, and auditing.

3. What is configuration management also known as?

Configuration management is also known as change management or version control. These terms reflect its core function of managing changes and maintaining different versions of configuration items throughout their lifecycle.

4. What is the goal of configuration management?

The primary goal of configuration management is to establish and maintain consistency in an IT system's performance, functional, and physical attributes throughout its life.

This consistency ensures that your system remains reliable, efficient, and aligned with your business needs while minimizing errors and reducing downtime.

SaaS configuration management is all about optimizing software settings. These are the six best practices to enhance efficiency and control in 2024.

Written by
Vibhu Jain
Product Manager, CloudEagle
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