7 Entitlement Management Best Practices To Follow in 2024

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September 3, 2024
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Are you worried about managing your employees' SaaS access? Do you think employees might have more access to SaaS tools than they need? This can happen for several reasons, such as unclear employee onboarding policies.

Without a proper entitlement management system, setting the right SaaS access levels for employees is difficult. Granting more access than needed can lead to unintended data changes and security risks, so you need to take the necessary steps to avoid such issues.

For instance, you can implement entitlement management to define and control user access to your organization’s resources. This ensures that only authorized users access your organization’s data. It reduces security risks and improves access management.

This article offers a detailed guide on best practices for managing your organization’s entitlements. It covers strategies to control access, ensure security, and support compliance, helping you manage user permissions more effectively.


  • Managing SaaS access is crucial for security and compliance; unclear policies can lead to over-provisioning and data risks.
  • Key challenges include complexity, cyber threats, regulatory compliance, and visibility over SaaS tools.
  • 7 best practices:
    1. Implement a zero-trust approach.
    2. Automate entitlement reviews and certifications.
    3. Adopt role-based access control (RBAC).
    4. Ensure regulatory compliance.
    5. Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms.
    6. Conduct regular access reviews and audits.
    7. Foster a culture of security awareness.
  • CloudEagle.ai helps with centralized visibility, automated access controls, compliance monitoring, and cost optimization for effective entitlement management.
  • Streamlining entitlement management reduces security risks and ensures regulatory compliance.

Current challenges for entitlement management

You must address the following challenges:

Increased complexity: On average, organizations use over 100 SaaS tools, making managing who can access what harder. Different systems may have different requirements, making access management more complicated.

Cyber threats: With the rise in cyber threats, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information is crucial. Mismanaged SaaS access can lead to data breaches and other security issues.

Regulatory compliance: Organizations must comply with laws and regulations like ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, etc. These rules dictate how data access should be managed. Failing to comply can lead to legal penalties and loss of trust. Failing to do so can result in legal penalties and loss of trust.

Access and roles: Clearly defining and managing user roles and their associated access levels can be complex. It’s important to ensure that each user has the right level of access based on their job responsibilities.

Visibility and monitoring: Sometimes, it's challenging to track who can access which SaaS tool and monitor their activities. Managing usage data with spreadsheets for numerous tools is no longer efficient without advanced automated monitoring systems.

Top 7 best practices for effective entitlement management

To effectively manage your organization's entitlement management:

1. Implement a zero-trust approach

Image showing zero trust approach

A zero-trust approach should be your go-to strategy for establishing entitlement management. It means no user is automatically trusted, whether inside or outside your organization.

Implementing a zero-trust approach means only giving access to the necessary resources. This reduces the chances of breaches and data leaks. With zero trust, every user and device is verified, no matter where they are, ensuring only the right people can access what they need.

Every user, device, and application must prove they are trustworthy before accessing any system or data. This involves regularly verifying permissions and ensuring access is granted only on a need-to-know basis.

For example, multi-factor authentication (MFA) and continuous monitoring help verify users' identities and behaviors. This ensures they meet security requirements before accessing systems. It reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential breaches.

This flexible framework works well with modern IT setups, like remote work and cloud services. It boosts data protection through strict access controls and encryption. Zero-trust gives you better insight into network traffic and user activity, making it easier to spot potential threats.

2. Automate entitlement reviews and certifications

Regularly reviewing and certifying who has access to what can be time-consuming. Manual reviews often require significant resources and are prone to errors. They can lead to potential security gaps and compliance issues. However, automating this process ensures access rights are reviewed regularly and accurately.

With automation, you streamline the review process and get real-time visibility into access permissions. Automated systems alert you to any policy deviations, enabling quick corrections. This reduces manual workload and lets your team focus on more strategic tasks while maintaining strict access control.

One significant advantage of automation is its ability to alert you to policy violations immediately. Automated systems send alerts if access permissions don’t match current policies or unusual access patterns are detected. This lets you take quick corrective actions, reducing the risk of security breaches and keeping access in line with organizational policies.

Automating entitlement reviews and certifications also reduces the manual effort to manage access controls. This frees up valuable time for your IT and security teams, allowing them to concentrate on more strategic tasks, like enhancing security and addressing new threats.

3. Adopt role-based access control (RBAC)

Image of role based access control

Adopting role-based access control (RBAC) is a smart way to manage who can access what in your organization. Instead of setting up individual permissions for each person, you create roles based on job functions and then assign people to those roles.

Here’s how it works: You define roles like "HR," "Finance," or "IT," and each role has specific access rights. For example, HR employees might need access to payroll systems but not financial records.

With RBAC, you give access rights to the "HR" role, and anyone assigned to that role automatically gets the right permissions. This way, you don't have to manage each person's access individually.

RBAC simplifies permission management, so your team can focus on other important tasks. It helps track who has access to what and ensures that everyone has only the necessary access. It also helps prevent unauthorized access and keeps your security policies consistent.

It simplifies entitlement management and ensures users have the right level of access. It also makes administration easier and improves overall security. In short, RBAC streamlines access control improves security, and helps ensure users have the right level of access for their job roles.

4. Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements is crucial for any organization. Many industries are governed by strict regulations, such as ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, and HIPAA. These regulations set standards for data access and security to protect sensitive information.

It's important to ensure your access management practices follow these rules to avoid legal trouble. This means setting up and maintaining controls that meet the specific requirements of the regulations relevant to your industry. Regularly reviewing these requirements helps keep your practices up-to-date.

Compliance also involves keeping detailed records and reports about who can access what. By integrating compliance checks into your access management process, you ensure that your organization adheres to industry standards and regulations.

This helps avoid legal issues and builds trust with customers and partners by demonstrating that you take data security seriously.

5. Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms

To keep your systems secure, it’s essential to use strong authentication and authorization methods.

Authentication confirms that users are who they say they are. One effective way to do this is through multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide more than just a password.

For example, after entering their password, they might need to enter a code sent to their phone or use a fingerprint scan. This extra step makes it much harder for unauthorized people to gain access.

Authorization ensures that users have the right permissions to access specific resources. It involves checking whether users can do what they are trying to do. A good practice is to use the principle of least privilege.

This means giving users only the access they need to do their job and nothing more. For example, if someone in the marketing department needs access to marketing tools but not financial records, their permissions should reflect that.

6. Conduct regular access reviews and audits

Regularly reviewing and auditing user access is essential for keeping your systems secure. These checks help ensure everyone has the right access based on their current job roles.

Access reviews involve examining who has access to what and confirming that this access matches their job duties. For instance, if employees change roles or leave the company, their access should be updated or removed. This helps prevent unauthorized or unnecessary access and keeps security tight.

Audits are thorough checks that look for any issues or unauthorized changes in access. They help you spot problems that might not be obvious in regular reviews. By doing audits, you can catch and fix issues before they become bigger problems.

7. Foster a culture of security awareness

Fostering a culture of security awareness is vital for protecting your organization from threats. It starts with educating employees about the importance of access control and overall security.

Education is key. Ensure employees understand why managing access rights is crucial and how it affects the organization's security. Offer training on best practices for handling access permissions, like using strong passwords and following proper procedures for requesting or changing access.

Encouraging employees to be proactive about security is key. They should follow best practices, stay alert, and report suspicious activities. To foster a security-aware culture, provide ongoing training and update employees on threats and policies through workshops and online courses.

Effective communication is also important. Regularly remind employees about security policies and their importance. Clear communication helps everyone understand that security is a shared responsibility.

You don't need many tools to implement most entitlement management best practices mentioned. Instead, a single tool with a range of features can be sufficient. For this purpose, we recommend checking out CloudEagle.ai.

How does CloudEagle.ai help with entitlement management?

CloudEagle.ai is a SaaS management and procurement platform that helps you discover, manage, govern, and renew SaaS tools from a single place. It also offers features for effective entitlement management.

Here are some features that make CloudEagle.ai stand out as an effective entitlement management solution:

Centralized visibility: CloudEagle.ai offers complete visibility into your SaaS stack. It integrates with SSO systems, HRIS, financial systems, and browser plugins to provide comprehensive insights.

This allows CloudEagle.ai to uncover all apps in use, including those not officially approved by IT (often called Shadow IT). This view lets you quickly spot and handle unauthorized or redundant tools. This improves control over your software resources.

Read how Rec Room achieved complete visibility into free apps used by its teams with CloudEagle. The platform provided a clear view of their SaaS stack, making it easy to spot free apps and quickly alerting them to unsanctioned apps.

User onboarding and offboarding: CloudEagle.ai’s auto-provisioning workflows simplify the onboarding process. It allows you to onboard new employees quickly and assign the correct SaaS tools and permissions within minutes.

Image of CloudEagle auto provisioning module

Similarly, when employees leave, deprovisioning workflows help revoke their SaaS access. This reduces the risk of unauthorized use and improves overall security.

To see how auto-provisioning and deprovisioning workflows can benefit your organization, listen to Alice Park from Remediant as she explains how CloudEagle streamlined its onboarding and offboarding processes.

Automated access controls: The tool enables precise control over employee access levels. By setting up automated access controls, you can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access based on their roles and responsibilities.

This helps prevent over-provisioning and reduces the risk of misuse or accidental exposure of sensitive information.

Compliance monitoring: Compliance is crucial in managing SaaS tools, especially with varying regulations and standards like ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, etc.

The tool alerts you if any of your used tools violate regulatory requirements. This proactive approach lets you take immediate action to address compliance issues.

Real-time alerts: CloudEagle.ai provides real-time alerts for any new tool sign-ups or significant activities. IT admins receive immediate notifications when a new tool is added. They can quickly assess and approve or reject the request. This feature helps maintain tight control over your SaaS stack and promptly addresses unauthorized or unnecessary tools.

Integration capabilities: CloudEagle.ai offers over 500 extensive integrations. It connects with your existing SSO, HRIS, finance systems, and other applications to provide accurate insights into usage patterns, duplicate licenses, and unused applications.

Image showing CloudEagle's integration

Cost optimization: Cost management is key to maximizing your SaaS investment. The tool helps optimize spend by providing detailed usage insights. Using the data, you can make informed decisions about SaaS budgeting and adjusting your SaaS portfolio.


Focus on the fundamentals of access management to establish a proper entitlement management system. From providing SaaS access while onboarding new employees to removing access when offboarding, you need a streamlined process to manage permissions and access.

If you don’t take the necessary precautions, you can create security loopholes in the organization. Effective entitlement management can help maintain your organization's security and regulatory compliance.

Adhering to these best practices can help organizations better protect their SaaS environment. To effectively establish an entitlement management environment, you must utilize many of the mentioned best practices.

Consider choosing an efficient tool like CloudEagle.ai to manage your SaaS access and keep track of your entire SaaS stack.

Schedule a demo with CloudEagle.ai to learn how it can transform your organization’s entitlement management process.

Written by
Raja Adhikary
Content Writer
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