A Quick Guide on SaaS Change Management

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September 6, 2024
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Managing updates and changes in SaaS tools is crucial for smooth operations. Effective strategies ensure seamless transitions, proper configuration, and minimal disruption. To manage SaaS changes effectively, you must assess and implement updates carefully.

You can significantly improve the efficiency of handling SaaS changes using dedicated SaaS management tools. For instance, tools like CloudEagle.ai streamline the process. This article will guide you through SaaS change management and present strategies and tools for effective management.


  • SaaS change management is crucial for smooth updates and minimal disruption.
  • Proper change management boosts user adoption, reduces friction, and ensures long-term value.
  • Key steps include planning, communication, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • Poor change management can lead to disruptions, increased costs, and security risks.
  • CloudEagle.ai enhances SaaS change management through automated workflows, access management, and compliance monitoring.

What is SaaS change management?

SaaS change management involves planning, implementing, and overseeing updates and modifications to SaaS apps within an organization. This process ensures that changes—such as new features, bug fixes, or settings adjustments—are handled smoothly and effectively..

It includes developmental changes that improve existing processes and transitional changes that address specific issues. It also involves transformational changes that significantly alter organizational culture and operations.

Here's a breakdown of what SaaS change management involves:

  • Planning: Before making any changes, it’s important to plan what needs to be updated and why. This involves understanding the potential impacts on users and business operations.
  • Communication: Clear communication is key. Users and stakeholders need to be informed about what changes are coming, how they will be affected, and when they will occur.
  • Implementation: This is the actual process of making the changes. It should be controlled to avoid disrupting the service or causing unexpected issues.
  • Monitoring: After changes are made, ongoing monitoring ensures everything functions as expected. This helps catch any problems early and address them quickly.
  • Evaluation: Finally, evaluating the changes' outcomes helps to understand what worked well and what could be improved for future updates.

Suppose your company uses a SaaS project management tool that recently released a new task automation feature. To manage this change effectively:

  • Your team first plans by assessing how the new feature will impact current workflows.
  • You then communicate the upcoming update to all users, explaining the benefits and providing training resources.
  • The new feature is deployed on the update day while closely monitored for issues.
  • Afterward, you gather feedback to ensure everything functions correctly and make any necessary adjustments.

This approach helps integrate the new feature smoothly, improving efficiency without disrupting daily operations.

Why is change management crucial for SaaS applications?

Change management ensures that SaaS updates and changes are implemented smoothly. This helps minimize disruptions and maximize benefits. It boosts user adoption, maintains stability, and maximizes value.

1. User adoption and maximizing ROI

SaaS change management ensures that new features and updates are seamlessly integrated into the workflow, which boosts user adoption. When users understand and embrace the changes, the ROI from the SaaS application is maximized as the organization fully leverages the new capabilities.

2. Minimizing disruption and new app friction

It minimizes disruptions during updates or transitions by carefully planning and executing changes. This reduces the friction that users might experience with new features or adjustments, ensuring that their work is not interrupted and productivity remains high.

3. Ensuring long-term value

Proper change management ensures that updates and changes contribute positively to the application’s long-term value. By carefully managing and evaluating changes, organizations can ensure that enhancements align with their strategic goals and continue to provide benefits over time.

4. Improved user experience

By managing changes effectively, organizations can enhance the overall user experience. Clear communication, training, and support during changes help users adapt more easily. It leads to a smoother transition and greater satisfaction with the SaaS application.

Key components of SaaS change management

Successful SaaS change management hinges on a few critical components that ensure updates are implemented smoothly. These elements help manage changes effectively, reducing disruptions and enhancing the benefits of new features.

1. Change request process

This process is the foundation of effective SaaS change management. It involves a systematic approach to submitting, reviewing, and approving changes to the application. This process starts with users or stakeholders submitting formal requests for modifications or new features.

A change management team then assesses each request, evaluating its necessity, feasibility, and potential impact. Approval is required before any changes are implemented. It ensures all modifications are well-documented and aligned with the organization’s objectives.

2. Impact assessment

It is a critical component that evaluates how proposed changes affect the SaaS application and its users. This assessment examines the potential impact on system performance, integration with other tools, and overall functionality. It also considers how the change might influence business processes and user workflows.

By understanding these impacts beforehand, organizations can identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them, ensuring that changes do not inadvertently disrupt operations or degrade user experience.

3. Planning and scheduling

These two are essential steps for the successful implementation of changes. This component involves creating a detailed plan that outlines the steps required to execute the change, including allocating resources and assigning responsibilities.

Scheduling is equally important. It involves setting a timeline for the change process to ensure that updates are made with minimal disruption to users and business operations. Proper planning and scheduling help streamline the change process. It allows for a smoother transition and reduces the risk of unforeseen issues.

Risks of poor SaaS change management

Poor SaaS change management can lead to several significant risks:

Disruptions to operations: Ineffective management of changes can result in unexpected problems that disrupt everyday business operations.

For example, if an update is not implemented correctly, it might cause system outages or degrade functionality. This disruption can prevent employees from accessing critical tools or data. It leads to work delays, service interruptions, and inefficiency.

Decreased user adoption: When changes are poorly managed, users may need help with new features or updates. Users might be willing to embrace the new functionality if the transition is smooth and the changes are well communicated.

This resistance can lead to lower adoption rates, meaning that the new features could be more utilized, and the organization must fully benefit from the improvements. In turn, this can negate the update's intended advantages and reduce the overall effectiveness of the SaaS application.

Increased costs: Poorly managed changes can lead to various additional costs. For instance, troubleshooting and fixing issues caused by faulty updates can incur extra expenses.

Productivity disruptions due to system outages or inefficiencies can lead to indirect costs. It can lead to lost revenue or reduced operational efficiency.

The overall financial impact can be significant. Businesses may need to allocate resources to address problems that could have been avoided with better change management.

Security risks: Not thoroughly tested or reviewed changes can introduce new vulnerabilities into the system. If updates are applied without proper scrutiny, they create security gaps that cyber threats can exploit.

This can compromise sensitive data and lead to security breaches, which can have serious consequences, including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal implications. Ensuring that changes are vetted for security risks is crucial to protecting the organization’s data and maintaining customer trust.

Negative user experience: Ineffective change management often results in better communication and user support. Users may struggle to adapt when implementing changes without clear instructions, training, or explanations.

This can lead to frustration and a poor user experience, which affects user satisfaction and productivity. A bad experience can also lower morale, reduce the effectiveness of the SaaS application, and hinder business goals.

Six-step SaaS change management process

Managing changes to SaaS systems can be complex, but a clear process helps make it easier. The six-step SaaS change management process offers a simple way to handle changes smoothly.

Here's a straightforward guide to each step.

1. Change request and documentation

You must first submit a formal request when making changes or updates to your SaaS system. This request should detail what you want to change and why. This ensures everyone understands what is being proposed and provides a record for future reference. It also helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps track of all changes made.

Here’s how you can do this:

Describe the change: Begin by providing a detailed description of the proposed change. Explain what the new functionality or adjustment entails and how it differs from the current system. For example, if you want to add a new reporting feature, specify what it will include and how it will integrate with existing tools.

Include reasons and benefits: Next, explain the rationale behind the change. Discuss the problems or limitations of the current system that the change aims to address. For instance, if the change is to enhance data analytics, describe how this will help users make more informed decisions and improve overall performance.

Gather and structure details: Compile and organize all relevant information in a structured format. This includes technical specifications, implementation plans, and supporting data or user feedback. Use a consistent template or system for documentation to ensure clarity and ease of reference.

2. Change impact analysis

In this step, you evaluate how the proposed change will affect your organization and whether it aligns with your goals. This helps determine if the change is worthwhile and prepares you for potential challenges.

Define goals: Start by clarifying what you aim to achieve with the change. Identify specific objectives, such as increasing efficiency, reducing operational costs, or enhancing user satisfaction. For example, if the change is intended to streamline a workflow, your goal might be to cut down processing time by 20%.

Assess impact: Analyze how the change will impact various aspects of your organization. Consider:

  • Employees: How will the change affect their daily tasks or roles? Will they need additional training or adjustments to their work routines?
  • Processes: What modifications will be needed in existing workflows or procedures? Will the change require updates to other systems or tools?
  • Customers: How will the change influence the customer experience? Will it improve service delivery or alter how customers interact with your product?

3. Change approval

Before implementing a change to your SaaS system, you need to secure formal approval from critical decision-makers. This step is crucial for ensuring that the change aligns with your company’s strategic goals and has the support of leadership.

Here’s how you can do this:

Reviewing request: Present the detailed change request and the impact analysis to a change advisory board (CAB) or the relevant decision-makers within your organization. This presentation should clearly outline the proposed change, its benefits, and its potential impact on the organization.

Seeking feedback: Be prepared to address any concerns or questions from stakeholders. Gather their feedback and make any necessary adjustments to the change plan based on their input. This might involve refining the change details, adjusting timelines, or providing additional information to clarify the proposal.

Obtaining approval: Once all concerns have been addressed and feedback incorporated, secure formal approval. Ensure all necessary authorizations, including signatures, approval emails, or official decision records, are documented. This formal approval signifies that the change is endorsed by leadership and is ready to move forward.

4. Develop training and support resources

Developing comprehensive training and support resources is crucial for facilitating a smooth transition to the new SaaS system. Properly preparing your team ensures that employees are well-informed and capable of using the new system effectively, thereby minimizing confusion and resistance.

Here’s how you can do this:


  • Create training materials: Develop detailed and professional training resources, such as user manuals, step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and FAQs. These materials should be designed to address various learning preferences and should provide clear, actionable instructions.
  • Organize training sessions: Arrange and conduct training sessions before the system’s launch. These sessions might include workshops, webinars, or practical demonstrations.

Ensure that these sessions comprehensively cover the new features and processes and allow ample time for participants to ask questions and gain hands-on experience.


  • Provide continuous support: After the implementation, offer robust support mechanisms to address any issues or questions that may arise. This may involve setting up a dedicated help desk, providing live support channels, or assigning a support team to handle queries and troubleshooting.
  • Update resources: Review and refine your training materials regularly based on user feedback and emerging issues. Ensure all resources remain accurate and relevant as updates or additional features are introduced.

5. Change implementation

This is the actual process of implementing the change. It involves executing the planned adjustments to your SaaS system. Successful implementation ensures the change is introduced seamlessly and meets its intended objectives.

Here’s how you can do this:

Follow a detailed plan: Adhere to a well-structured implementation plan that outlines each process step, including timelines, responsibilities, and resource allocation. Ensure all tasks are executed according to the established plan to facilitate a smooth rollout.

Monitor the process: Continuously track the implementation progress to identify and address any issues promptly. This involves overseeing the change's execution, evaluating its impact in real-time, and making necessary adjustments to resolve any problems.

Communicate with stakeholders: Keep all relevant stakeholders informed throughout the implementation phase. Provide regular updates on progress, address any concerns, and ensure that everyone involved is aware of any changes or developments.

6. Measure and continuously improve

Once a change has been implemented, it is crucial to evaluate its effectiveness and make ongoing adjustments to ensure it continues to deliver value. Continuous improvement allows you to refine the change and adapt to evolving needs and challenges.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Track user adoption and KPIs: Monitor user adoption rates and other key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the SaaS application. This helps gauge how well the change is being embraced and its effect on operational performance.
  • Data-driven optimization: Use the data collected to pinpoint areas for improvement. Apply this information to refine your change management strategy and make data-driven decisions that enhance the change's effectiveness.
  • Continuous improvement: Foster a culture of constant improvement by regularly revisiting and adapting your change management plan. Stay responsive to evolving user needs and business objectives to ensure alignment and success.

Use CloudEagle.ai: Create a seamless SaaS change management environment

CloudEagle.ai is a comprehensive SaaS management and procurement tool. It helps streamline the administration of your software tools and services.

The tool offers various features to handle SaaS licenses, contracts, renewals, onboarding, offboarding, access management, and procurement from a single dashboard.

With the tool, you can manage SaaS change management effortlessly, providing a cohesive view of your software ecosystem.

Here’s how CloudEagle.ai enhances SaaS management and operational efficiency:

Complete SaaS discovery: CloudEagle.ai thoroughly analyzes your entire SaaS stack. It delivers precise details about your software usage. It integrates with over 500 tools, including SSO, HRIS, and finance platforms, and can even connect with browser plugins.

This ensures visibility into every application used within your organization. The tool also helps identify Shadow IT by alerting you to unapproved applications. It enables you to monitor and manage all software effectively.

Automated onboarding and offboarding: Managing SaaS access during employee onboarding and offboarding can be a significant challenge. The tool simplifies these processes with automated workflows.

Image of CloudEagle's onboarding module

The platform facilitates quick and efficient access to necessary SaaS tools during onboarding. It helps new employees access their required SaaS tools on time and start working on their first day.

Image of CloudEagle's offboarding module

Conversely, the offboarding workflows ensure that access to all SaaS applications is promptly revoked when employees leave the organization. It prevents unauthorized access after their departure.

Access management: CloudEagle.ai ensures that user permissions are correctly assigned based on roles and responsibilities within your organization. This involves defining user roles and access levels for each application. It helps minimize security risks and ensures that employees have the appropriate level of access.

The tool allows for dynamic adjustments to their access rights as employees change roles or departments. When an employee’s role changes, their access permissions are automatically updated to reflect their new responsibilities, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Also, it supports the creation and enforcement of access policies. You can define policies that govern who can access which applications and under what conditions. These policies help ensure access is granted based on organizational needs and compliance requirements.

Compliance management: The tool maintains detailed audit trails of all access and permission changes. This feature helps in tracking who accessed what and when, providing transparency and accountability, which is essential for regulatory compliance and internal audits.

The platform helps ensure adherence to company policies and regulatory requirements by continuously monitoring access rights and providing alerts or reports on compliance issues. This proactive approach helps identify and address potential compliance gaps before they become issues.

CloudEagle.ai facilitates compliance with regulatory standards (e.g., ISO 2701, SOC 2 Type II, and others) by providing necessary reporting tools. You can generate reports to demonstrate compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.

Access review: CloudEagle.ai automates the process of conducting access reviews. It reduces the administrative burden on IT teams. This automation ensures that reviews are performed regularly per company policies or regulatory requirements.

The platform provides tools to audit user access rights systematically. You can review who has access to what applications, ensuring that permissions are aligned with current roles and responsibilities.

CloudEagle.ai offers insights and recommendations based on the review outcomes. For instance, if an employee has access to applications they no longer need, the platform can suggest or automate removing such access.

Procurement workflows: CloudEagle.ai’s procurement workflows streamline the process of acquiring new SaaS tools. This includes managing vendor interactions, evaluating software options, and negotiating contracts.

Image of CloudEagle's vendor procurement module

The platform helps manage SaaS contracts by tracking contract terms, renewal dates, and vendor obligations. This ensures that you stay on top of important dates and conditions. It helps you negotiate better terms and avoid auto-renewals that may not be in your best interest.

It provides insights into software usage and spending patterns. This data helps you decide which tools to keep, renew, or negotiate. This lets you optimize your software spending and get the best investment value.

Slack integration: The tool integrates with Slack and provides access to a dedicated Slackbot. This allows you to interact with the platform directly from your Slack channels. It offers quick access to crucial SaaS management features without leaving your communication environment.

Image of CloudEagle's  slack integration module

You receive real-time notifications and updates from CloudEagle.ai within Slack. It informs you about important events such as access changes, contract renewals, or compliance issues.

The Slackbot allows you to execute certain CloudEagle.ai functions through Slack commands. This can include requesting reports, initiating access reviews, checking the status of procurement requests, and enhancing efficiency and convenience.

Self-service app catalog: The self-service app catalog allows employees to request and access approved software tools independently. This reduces the need for IT involvement in routine access requests, saving time for employees and IT staff.

Image of CloudEagle's app catalog module

You can configure approval workflows to ensure that all app requests are vetted and approved by the appropriate stakeholders before granting access. Employees can easily find and access the necessary tools, increasing productivity and satisfaction.


Proper SaaS change management strategies ensure smooth updates and system stability. Managing changes with structured requests, impact assessments, and careful planning minimize disruptions, boosts user adoption, and prevents costly issues. It allows you to fully leverage new features, protect your data, and run your SaaS applications efficiently.

It is vital for optimizing your software investments and supporting your organization's success. To manage your organization’s SaaS change management better, consider using CloudEagle.ai. The tool helps streamline your change processes and ensures you get the most out of your SaaS applications.

Schedule a demo with CloudEagle.ai to improve your SaaS change management and transform your organization’s operations.

Written by
Raja Adhikary
Content Writer
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