SaaS Management vs SAM vs ITAM: Differences and Best Practices

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October 11, 2024
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The cloud evolution has amplified the need for effective software management as organizations strive to optimize costs and enhance security.

Organizations now rely on three approaches to address these challenges: SaaS management, software asset management (SAM), and IT asset management (ITAM).

Each strategy plays a vital role in managing different aspects of your technology infrastructure. With SaaS management, you can control the usage of cloud-based applications, reducing unnecessary subscriptions and ensuring security compliance.

SAM optimizes software licenses, prevents overspending, and ensures legal compliance. ITAM provides a comprehensive view of all hardware and software IT assets.

They might sound confusing, but you must understand their differences and best practices to make the most of them. So, if you ever wonder how they differ, you are at the right place.


  • ITAM tracks all IT assets, SAM optimizes software licenses, and SaaS management oversees SaaS-based applications.
  • ITAM covers hardware and software, SAM focuses on software licenses, and SaaS management targets cloud applications.
  • ITAM and SAM professionals need to adapt to SaaS adoption for better visibility, license management, and security.
  • Ignoring SaaS in asset management leads to security risks, compliance violations, financial waste, and inefficiencies.
  • Centralize asset management, automate processes, optimize licenses, and leverage data for better decision-making.

What is IT Asset Management (ITAM)

IT asset management is a comprehensive approach to overseeing your organization's technology resources.

It involves tracking and managing all IT assets throughout their lifecycle, from acquisition to disposal. With ITAM, you will get complete visibility into your IT inventory to help you make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimization.

ITAM includes hardware, software, and cloud services. It gives you a holistic view of your IT portfolio. It also plays a crucial role in cost optimization. You will be able to identify underutilized assets, consolidate resources, and negotiate better vendor contracts.

ITAM contributes to strategic decision-making by providing insights into each asset's total cost of ownership. With this information, you will make data-driven technological investment choices, ultimately aligning your IT resources with your business objectives.

What is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

Software asset management is a targeted strategy that focuses on optimizing your organization's software resources. It involves managing the entire software lifecycle, from purchase to retirement.

With SAM, you can effectively control your software inventory to ensure you comply with licensing agreements and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

SAM enables you to track software usage across your organization, helping you identify underutilized licenses and reallocate them where needed. This helps reduce costs and prevents potential legal issues stemming from non-compliance.

SAM helps you maintain a clean and secure software portfolio. By cataloging all installed software, you can quickly detect and remove unauthorized or potentially harmful applications, thereby enhancing your cybersecurity posture.

What is SaaS Management?

SaaS management is a holistic practice of overseeing your organization's cloud-based/SaaS applications. It involves actively tracking, optimizing, and governing all SaaS tools within your company's portfolio.

This practice comes as a response to the challenges posed by the widespread adoption of cloud-based software.

With SaaS management, you gain complete visibility into your software portfolio, and from there, you can make informed decisions about license allocation and renewals.

It helps you optimize costs by identifying redundant or underutilized applications, thus preventing unnecessary expenditures.

SaaS management enhances your risk management strategy. By maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all SaaS applications, you can better monitor security vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Key Differences Between ITAM, SAM, and SaaS Management

ITAM gives the broadest coverage, including all IT assets. SAM narrows the focus to software management, while SaaS management specifically targets cloud-based applications.

Each of them addresses unique challenges in the evolving IT sector, from hardware concerns to software compliance to cloud optimization. Below are the differences between ITAM, SAM, and SaaS management.

image of a table showing ITAM, SAM, SaaS Management differences

Why ITAM and SAM Professionals Should Care About SaaS Management

Below are the reasons why ITAM and SAM professionals have to care about SaaS management.

1. The Impact of SaaS Proliferation on Traditional ITAM and SAM Practices

ITAM and SAM professionals have to adapt to the rapid proliferation of SaaS applications in today's business sector. This shift has significant implications for traditional asset management practices:

Increased Complexity in Asset Tracking

SaaS applications have made software acquisition more accessible, often bypassing traditional procurement processes.

As a result, you must enhance your tracking mechanisms to capture all SaaS subscriptions across your organization. This increased visibility is crucial for maintaining an accurate inventory and controlling costs.

Heightened Importance of License Management

With SaaS, license management becomes more dynamic. You need to closely monitor subscription renewals, usage patterns, and user access. This helps prevent unnecessary costs from auto-renewals and unused licenses.

Enhanced Security Considerations

The ease of SaaS adoption raises new security challenges. You must work closely with security teams to implement robust access controls and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. This collaboration is essential to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized software usage.

Evolving Vendor Management

SaaS requires a shift in vendor management strategies. You need to negotiate flexible terms, understand complex pricing models, and manage ongoing relationships with multiple SaaS providers. This evolution demands new skills and approaches in IT asset management.

2. The Risks of Ignoring SaaS in Asset Management Strategies

Ignoring SaaS in your asset management strategies poses lots of risks:

Security Vulnerabilities

You expose your organization to potential security breaches without proper SaaS management. Unmonitored applications may contain vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

Furthermore, you risk unauthorized access to sensitive data when employees use unsanctioned SaaS tools.

Compliance Violations

Failing to track SaaS usage can lead to compliance issues. You may unknowingly violate data protection regulations or industry standards, which will result in hefty fines and reputational damage.

Proper SaaS management ensures you maintain regulatory compliance across all cloud applications.

Financial Waste

Uncontrolled SaaS adoption often leads to overspending. You may pay for duplicate subscriptions or underutilized licenses.

Additionally, you miss opportunities for bulk discounts when departments make individual purchases. Effective SaaS management helps optimize your software spending.

Operational Inefficiency

Without a centralized SaaS management strategy, you risk creating data silos and workflow inefficiencies. Teams may use different tools for similar tasks, hindering collaboration and productivity. Proper management ensures streamlined operations and better tool integration.

Loss of Negotiating Power

Fragmented SaaS purchases weaken your position in vendor negotiations. You lose leverage when you can't consolidate your software needs.

Comprehensive SaaS management allows you to negotiate better terms and pricing with vendors, saving your organization money in the long run.

3. The Benefits of Integrating SaaS Management Into Existing ITAM/SAM Frameworks

Integrating SaaS management into your existing ITAM/SAM frameworks has many benefits that all help enhance your overall IT asset management strategy. Below are some of them:

Achieve Full SaaS Visibility

With complete SaaS visibility, you gain a comprehensive understanding of all cloud-based applications. This insight is critical for effective management and cost control. SaaS management tools like specifically excel in providing this visibility. uses advanced discovery techniques and a vast library of 500+ applications to uncover both sanctioned and unsanctioned applications within your organization. Through direct API integrations, it delves into feature-level usage insights, giving you a granular view of your SaaS portfolio. also helps categorize applications by department in order to enable you to track usage and allocate costs accurately.

Image of CloudEagle's unauthorized app dashboard

This tool also sets up alerts to detect unauthorized purchases, helping you prevent shadow IT. When you leverage a SaaS management tool like, you will rationalize your SaaS stack, eliminate redundancies, and optimize your software investments.

Leverage accurate usage Data to Maximize Savings

Leveraging accurate usage data is crucial for maximizing savings in your SaaS management strategy. helps you save money by showing exactly how your team uses SaaS tools.

When you understand usage patterns, you will identify underutilized licenses, redundant applications, and opportunities for cost optimization.

For instance, it reveals how many Zoom meetings each employee schedules or how many DocuSign envelopes they send. This detailed information matters because it helps you spot waste.

You'll quickly identify unused or underused licenses. Maybe you're paying for 100 Zoom licenses, but only 80 employees use it regularly.

Image of cloudeagle's license harvesting dashboard highlights these extra licenses so that you can reclaim them. The platform even automates this process through license harvesting workflows, making it easy to reassign or cancel unnecessary subscriptions.

Identify Redundancies and Optimize Your Tech Stack

With efficient SaaS management, you will Identify redundancies and optimize your tech stack.

This process involves detecting overlapping functionalities, eliminating unused applications, and streamlining your software portfolio. By doing so, you reduce unnecessary costs and improve overall operational efficiency.

Image of cloudeagle's low usage applications dashboard offers many effective ways to achieve this optimization. It leverages SSO and HRIS integrations to reveal actual application usage patterns. This insight helps you identify abandoned or underutilized apps.

It provides a comprehensive dashboard highlighting low-usage applications and licenses. This feature enables you to right-size your subscriptions and renegotiate with vendors.

The platform offers detailed app usage insights, allowing you to make informed decisions about which applications to keep, consolidate, or eliminate. facilitates team collaboration by providing data that helps you understand why certain apps are underutilized.

With this information, you will make strategic decisions about your SaaS investments to ensure your tech stack aligns with your organization's needs and goals.

Automate Complex Processes for IT, Security, and Procurement

Automating complex processes for IT, security, and procurement teams helps streamline your organization's SaaS management operations.

This involves using technology to handle repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors, and improve overall efficiency across these crucial departments. has many automation features that can help achieve this.

Image of's cost optimization module

It provides automated app discovery, integrating with your existing systems to give you a comprehensive view of your SaaS stack. This feature helps prevent shadow IT and unauthorized spending. automates metadata extraction from software contracts, simplifying contract management and creating automatic renewal calendar to help you stay ahead of renewals.

Image showing applications users have not logged in

It offers automated license reclamation workflows, identifying and reclaiming unused licenses to optimize your software resources. streamlines the procurement process with automated approval workflows, including Slack-enabled requests for easier collaboration.

It provides auto-provisioning and deprovisioning capabilities to ensure swift access management for new and departing employees.

By leveraging these automation features, you significantly reduce manual workload, enhance security, and improve cost management across your IT, security, and procurement departments.

Leverage Price Benchmarking for Better Negotiation Outcomes

Leveraging price benchmarking for better negotiation involves comparing your software costs against market standards to ensure you get the best value. With benchmarking data, you can negotiate more effectively with vendors and avoid overpaying for services.

image of's price benchmarking insights provides comprehensive platform insights, allowing you to track application usage and spending efficiently. This data helps you identify areas for cost optimization. offers access to an up-to-date benchmarking database, enabling you to compare your prices against current market rates.

The platform offers pre-negotiated vendor discounts and an assisted buying dashboard, leveraging expert knowledge to secure favorable terms.

Best Practices for Managing SaaS, SAM, and ITAM Together

Below are some of the best practices for managing SaaS, SAM, and ITAM together:

  • Centralize your asset management: Integrate SaaS, SAM, and ITAM data into a single platform like for complete visibility.
  • Implement automated discovery: Use tools to automatically detect and catalog all software and hardware assets across your organization.
  • Establish clear policies: Create and enforce guidelines for software procurement, usage, and retirement.
  • Regularly audit your assets: Conduct frequent reviews to ensure accuracy of your inventory and compliance with licenses.
  • Optimize license management: Continuously monitor usage and reallocate or retire unused licenses to maximize ROI.
  • Prioritize security: Integrate security protocols like encryption and multi-factor authentication into your asset management strategy to protect sensitive data.
  • Foster cross-departmental collaboration: Encourage communication between IT, procurement, and finance teams for better decision-making.
  • Leverage data analytics: Use insights from your asset management tools to inform strategic decisions and budget planning.
  • Stay informed about vendor changes: Keep track of updates to licensing models and pricing to avoid unexpected costs.
  • Continuously educate staff: Regularly train employees on asset management best practices and the importance of compliance.


Understanding and distinguishing between SaaS Management, SAM, and ITAM is crucial for modern businesses. It helps you optimize costs, enhance security, and improve operational efficiency.

When you recognize their focuses, you can implement comprehensive strategies that address the complexities of today's IT sector. This approach ensures you maximize the value of your technology investments while minimizing risks.

Ready to transform your asset management strategy? Book a demo with today. Our platform integrates SaaS management, SAM, and ITAM functionalities to provide you with unparalleled visibility and control over your IT assets.

Don't let inefficient management drain your resources. Take the first step towards optimized IT asset management now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between hardware asset management and software asset management?

Hardware asset management tracks physical devices like laptops, servers, and phones. Software asset management handles software licenses, updates, and compliance.

2. How does SaaS differ from on-premise software?

SaaS runs on the cloud, which makes it easier to scale and manage, while on-premise software requires local installation and maintenance.

3. Can SAM help reduce software costs?

Yes, SAM helps you optimize license use to ensure you only pay for what you need, reducing unnecessary costs.

4. What is the role of ITAM in security?

ITAM helps protect your data by tracking devices and ensuring security protocols like encryption and access control are in place.

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