What is SaaS Subscription Management

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July 19, 2024
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Are you effectively managing your software subscriptions? Many organizations need help with this, leading to wasted resources and higher costs. As an IT manager, you aim to ensure smooth IT operations while optimizing expenses and resources. This highlights the importance of SaaS subscription management.

A major mistake is not centralizing subscription data, which creates hassles and consumes resources in monitoring software usage and streamlining the cost optimization process. This often results in poor decisions, resource wastage, and low operational efficiency.

This article will shed light on SaaS subscription management, explore different subscription business model, discuss key components and benefits, and address common challenges.

By the end, you will know how to choose the right SaaS subscription management tool to align your business goals with sustainable growth.

What is SaaS Subscription management?

SaaS subscription management helps companies manage and optimize their customer subscriptions. This process enables an effective approach to solving the challenges of subscription-based software, ensuring a company uses its resources wisely and controls related costs.

The subscription management platform gives you full visibility and control over all your subscriptions.

You can quickly identify unused licenses and reclaim them using automated workflows. This helps save money and allows you to reassign unused licenses to those who need them.

What is SaaS Subscription Management Software?

SaaS subscription management software is used to assist any business engaged in subscription-based services (using SaaS apps) in managing and optimizing those subscription plans. This type of software is usually equipped with:

  • Billing and Invoicing: Automating the billing process, generating invoices, and managing recurring payments.
  • Subscription Tracking: Monitoring active, expired, and upcoming subscriptions.
  • Customer Management: Keeping track of customer information, payment histories, and subscription details.
  • Revenue Recognition: To ensure that revenue is recognized appropriately over the subscription period, following the accounting standards.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provide insights on subscription metrics, like churn rate, customer lifetime value, and MRR.
  • Payment Processing: Integration with many payment gateways that support various modes of payments securely.
  • Self-Service Portals: Customers can manage their subscriptions, update payment information, and access support.

This software is particularly useful for businesses offering subscription-based products or services, as it streamlines and automates many complexities associated with managing subscriptions.

Types of SaaS Subscription Models

Every B2B SaaS company is different; therefore, understanding these different pricing models becomes very important to find the right fit for your business. Here are the most common types of SaaS subscription models:


Freemium offers the basic version of the software without charge to attract users. After some time, a good number of users will accumulate, and these users will be upgraded to a premium paid version to provide more features or capabilities for this software.

This is a strategy through which you can try out a product before purchase.

  • Users get basic features for free.
  • Extra features require payment, such as more personalization or faster processing times.
  • Helps in building brand awareness and acquiring users.

Risk: Supporting many free users without converting them to paid can lead to revenue loss.

Flat-rate Licensing

Flat-rate licensing is where the customer periodically pays a fixed subscription—monthly or yearly—for the service. Everyone pays the same amount regardless of the volume of the service used.

  • Fixed fee, regardless of usage.
  • Simple pricing structure.
  • Provides predictable revenue.
  • Some customers may find it inflexible.

Tiered Licensing

Tiered pricing allows for different service levels depending on your needs. Customers can select a plan that suits their needs and upgrade as their needs grow.

  • Different plans based on features and usage.
  • Allows scalability as the business grows.
  • Offers flexibility but may be complex to manage.

Per-user Licensing

Per-user licensing determines the price by the number of users accessing the software. This model ensures that companies only pay for active users.

  • Cost is based on the number of users.
  • Ensures cost efficiency.
  • Helps integrate the software into daily operations.
  • Managing user accounts can be complex.

Usage-based Licensing

Usage-based pricing charges customers based on software consumption, such as data storage, transactions processed, and other usage metrics.

  • Pay for actual usage.
  • Attractive for businesses with variable usage needs.
  • Revenue can be unpredictable.
  • Customers need to monitor usage to avoid unexpected charges.

Subscription with Add-ons

This model starts with a base subscription and allows customers to add extra features or services for an additional fee. It lets users customize their subscription to fit their specific needs.

  • Base subscription with optional add-ons.
  • Enhances customer satisfaction by offering flexibility.
  • Allows businesses to upsell additional features.
  • Customers pay only for what they need, avoiding unnecessary costs.

Key Components of SaaS Subscription Management

If you're already using SaaS applications and looking to streamline your subscription management, focusing on these key components can significantly enhance your approach:

1. Acquisition: Be sure to have a well-defined process for evaluating and acquiring new SaaS subscriptions that meet business requirements and budgets without any useless overlapping or redundancy in functionalities between them.

2. Onboarding: Systematically onboard SaaS tools to ensure users adopt them easily with minimal learning.

Provide training materials and support to help your team onboard new tools into their respective workflows as fast and seamlessly as possible.

3. Usage & Management: Be prepared to track each SaaS application's usage over time. Use that data to ensure that underutilized tools or features in those tools are being recognized accordingly.

Take feedback from team members about their experiences working with these technologies to improve usage.

4. Billing and Revenue Recognition: Implement a centralized system or software to manage billing cycles, invoicing, and revenue recognition across all SaaS subscriptions.

Ensure compliance with financial reporting standards and optimize cost management.

5. Retention & Churn Reduction: Consistently evaluate each SaaS subscription's value to your business. Address issues promptly and explore opportunities to renegotiate terms or consolidate subscriptions to minimize churn.

Build good relationships with SaaS providers to enable renewal negotiations effectively.

Focusing on these can maximize the efficiency, cost, and value generated from your SaaS subscription; be sure to review your subscription portfolio periodically to align with evolving business goals and optimize resource allocation.

Benefits of SaaS Subscription Management

Cost Savings and Budget Control: It controls costs through optimized subscription usage and eliminates unnecessary expenses. SaaS subscription management enables a business to plan budgets without surprises.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity: It improves efficiency and productivity by centralizing subscription management, streamlining processes, and reducing administration.

Overall, this step improves the efficiency of any team and enables appropriate concentrated work on core activities, hence improving productivity.

Enhanced Visibility and Reporting: Management of SaaS subscriptions allows management transparency into subscription usage and spending. It brings easy tracking of the effective use of subscriptions and spotting opportunities for optimization.

It also allows for detailed reporting, enabling an informed decision on subscription renewals and upgrades.

Better Vendor Relationship Management: Proper subscription management improves communication with vendors.

This ensures that a business derives maximum value from subscriptions and encourages more positive vendor relationships since the thought is bound to result in discounts, if not an increase in the level of service.

Challenges in SaaS Subscription Management

Several challenges may be associated with managing SaaS subscriptions that a business needs to address. We are going to mention below some common challenges in SaaS subscription management:

Complexity in Handling Multiple Subscriptions: Managing multiple subscriptions with different vendors can be complex. Handling various plans, pricing structures, and usage terms can become overwhelming without a proper system in place.

Integration with Existing Systems: Integration with existing systems is quite a challenge regarding new SaaS subscriptions. If required, proper planning and additional technical support are required to ensure that all the software works in sync without any disturbance.

Keeping Track of Subscription Renewals and Expirations: It's hard to track when subscriptions need to be renewed or expire. Missing a renewal can lead to service interruptions, while not cancelling unused subscriptions can lead to unnecessary costs.

Managing Unused or Underutilized Subscriptions: Businesses often pay for subscriptions that are not maximally utilized or go unused. Identifying and managing unused or underutilized subscriptions can be a headache, but it is essential to avoid unwarranted expenditures.

Choosing the Right SaaS Subscription Management Tool

Choosing the right SaaS subscription management tool delivers a smooth running operation. It enables your business to extract maximum return on investment from your software. You can make a proper choice in this regard by:

1. Assess Your Business Needs: Start by identifying what your business requires from a subscription management tool.

Do you need to track software usage, manage renewal dates, or ensure compatibility with existing systems?

Understanding these priorities helps you select a tool that best fits your specific needs. Consider factors like scalability, user support, and reporting capabilities to ensure the solution effectively supports current operations and future growth.

2. Key Criteria to Consider:

  • Scalability: Make sure the tool can grow with your business. You don’t want to switch tools when adding more subscriptions or users.
  • Integration: Choose a tool that integrates smoothly with your existing software and is easy to use with your current systems.
  • Usability: Pick a tool that’s easy for your team to use. Complicated tools can slow things down and cause frustration.
  • Support: Look for a tool that provides good customer support. If something goes wrong or you have a question, you want help to be available quickly.

3. Top SaaS Subscription Management Tools in the Market: Effective management of SaaS subscriptions is key to maintaining revenue streams and customer satisfaction. As businesses grow, so does the complexity of subscription management.

Finding the right subscription management tools can make all the difference. Let's explore one of the leading tools in the market today:


CloudEagle is a comprehensive SaaS management and procurement platform used by SaaS businesses and organizations to discover, govern, optimize, and renew their SaaS applications.

It has individual modules for license management and contract management, making it a suitable tool for SaaS subscription management. CloudEagle has industry-leading 500+ integrations to provide complete visibility into your purchased apps, spending, licenses, users, and contracts.

What makes CloudEagle special is that it provides visibility on unsanctioned apps resulting from shadow IT and can automatically find duplicate and unused apps.

License Management: Gain complete visibility into your software licenses, including detailed usage metrics and associated costs. This visibility helps optimize spending and ensure that all licenses are utilized efficiently.

Image of CloudEagle's license moduile

Not just high-level login activity, thanks to CloudEagle’s direct integrations, you can dive deeper into each license and see feature-level usage activity.

Usage Tracking and License Harvesting: Understand how your software is being used across the organization. Recognize underutilized licenses and reallocate resources to gain maximum productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Image of CloudEagle's license harvesting module

You can leverage license reclamation workflows to deprovision users from licenses for low usage and harvest those licenses for the next user. By automating this process, you can save time, optimize your spend, and increase your ROI.

Compliance Monitoring: Ensure compliance with vendor agreements and licensing terms. CloudEagle will help a business stay within legal boundaries, mitigating any risk connected with non-compliance.

Automated Provisioning and Deprovisioning: Automate license provisioning and deprovisioning based on user roles, departments, and usage. You can set up automated provisioning workflows to recommend relevant apps whenever a new user joins your organization.

Likewise, you can use the deprovisioning rules to revoke app access to ex-employees after they quit. You don’t have to visit each application to grant or revoke access; workflows will handle it while your IT teams can focus on their core tasks.

Here’s how Alice Park from Remediant streamlines user provisioning and deprovisioning using CloudEagle and saved on spend. Listen to her success story:


SaaS Subscription Management ensures cost control, assures the best resource allocation, and compliance with licensing agreements.

Centralized sources of subscription data and procurement processes provide a basis for wise decision-making when capitalized by organizations that align with the strategic goals for the investment in software.

Effective subscription management goes beyond enhancing operational efficiency or improving vendor relationships; it enables scalable growth.

CloudEagle provides end-to-end solutions for SaaS subscription management, focusing on effective license management, automated provisioning, and integration.

CloudEagle effectively optimizes spending, enforces compliance, and rationalizes operation workflows in a predefined way of maximum value from business software investments for long-lasting success.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. Does SaaS Have to Be Subscription-Based?

Ans. Only sometimes. SaaS is usually based on a subscription model, though some one-time payment options may exist depending on the company's business objectives.

Q2. What Is the Difference Between SaaS and Subscription Revenue?

Ans. SaaS companies primarily make money through subscriptions, but add-ons, usage charges, affiliates, and channel partners create a complex revenue model.

Q3. Can SaaS Be Customized for Specific Business Needs?

Ans. Yes, most SaaS providers give customized solutions by providing tailored features and flexible pricing for the unique needs of different businesses.

Q4. Why Is CloudEagle the Best SaaS Subscription Management Tool?

Ans. CloudEagle is outstanding in all its features: efficient license management, automated provisioning, and seamless integration—as much as optimizing spending and leading to compliance. This is easily likable by any business in every way.

Q5. How Does CloudEagle Optimize SaaS Spending?

Ans. CloudEagle optimizes SaaS spending by providing detailed visibility at the software usage level, detecting underutilized licenses, and implementing automated provisioning and de-provisioning for licenses to ensure a company only pays for what is needed.

Written by
Vibhu Jain
Product Manager, CloudEagle
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