How Heath Ceramics got a better understanding of their SaaS apps and usage

CloudEagle was a game-changer. We faced a plethora of SaaS challenges, but CloudEagle streamlined everything. It saved us money, recommended superior tools, and helped us eliminate redundancies in our system, resulting in significant cost savings.

‍- Chad Lockey, Senior IT Manager, Heath Ceramics

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1350 hrs/yr

Saved on SaaS management

30 mins

For CloudEagle onboarding

1473 hrs/yr

Saved on app research

It was challenging for Heath Ceramic to efficiently manage its extensive SaaS stack, understand usage, and identify cost-effective alternatives to the existing tools.


CloudEagle integrated with their sytems and provided a unified dashboard to track vendor spend, assess app usage, store contracts, and offer AI-driven suggestions for optimization.


Heath Ceramics were able to streamline SaaS management, made better cost optimization decisions, enhancing its competitive advantage and growth potential.

Key Highlights:

  • CloudEagle made vendor spend tracking, app usage assessment, and document storage easier.
  • CloudEagle's accurate insights enabled cost savings, especially when changing VOIP providers.
  • Vendor recommendation engine made it easier to find suitable vendors.

We rely heavily on SaaS apps across our departments, including our call centers, marketing, and eCommerce teams. The challenge we faced was onboarding a SaaS management platform that could be used by both our Finance and IT teams.

We were searching for a tool that could provide us with a comprehensive view of our SaaS app inventory and offer insights into employee spending and feature-level usage.

Given the significant role of these apps in maintaining our competitive edge, our IT team consistently pursued ROI-driven, growth-focused alternatives to our current tools. Therefore, finding a solution that would help us manage and optimize our entire SaaS stack became imperative.


"CloudEagle's SaaS dashboard streamlined vendor spending tracking and app discovery for us. Centralized contact management and AI-driven research led to cost savings, including successfully switching to our VoIP provider. CloudEagle is now a key tool for our IT and finance teams."

- Chad Lockey, Senior IT Manager, Heath Ceramics

A comprehensive SaaS dashboard

CloudEagle really came through for Heath Ceramics by giving them a single dashboard to track vendor spending and discover new apps. This made it super easy for them to spot apps that weren't being used much and catch any unexpected spending escalations.

Centralized Contracts and AI-driven vendor research

With all contracts and invoices centralized in one place, administrative tasks became effortless for Heath Ceramics. CloudEagle's AI-driven SaaS research tool suggested alternatives to their current tools, enhancing efficiency and decision-making.

Strategic Vendor Recommendations

CloudEagle's recommendations led Heath Ceramics to switch their VOIP provider, resulting in improved tools and significant cost savings. Time and cost-efficiency remain key benefits, making CloudEagle a strategic tool for Heath Ceramics' IT and finance teams in vendor procurement and management.

The Impact

Optimized underutilized applications

Heath Ceramics realized substantial cost savings by identifying and optimizing underutilized applications using CloudEagle. The streamlined SaaS management process allowed for a more efficient allocation of resources improved overall technology decisions and saved 1350 hours a year spent on SaaS management.

Streamlining vendor research

CloudEagle's vendor recommendation engine simplified the process for Heath Ceramics to discover suitable alternatives to their current VoIP provider. As a result, our customer saved 1473 hours annually and $261,500 in total savings that would have otherwise been spent on researching new apps.

Enhanced innovation and growth initiatives

This transformation enhanced Heath Ceramics' competitive advantage as a design innovator by freeing up resources for further innovation and growth initiatives. With a more agile and cost-effective technology ecosystem, the company positioned itself for continued success in the market, ready to seize new opportunities and maintain its position as an industry leader.‍

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