How Rec Room Was Onboarded in 30 Minutes by CloudEagle?

CloudEagle's onboarding was fast and easy. Setup only took just 30 minutes, thanks to all the integrations they provide. A game-changer in SaaS management. Thanks CloudEagle!

- Devin Murphy, Senior Accounting Manager, Rec Room.

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30 mins

For CloudEagle Onboarding

1230 hrs/yr

Saved in Contract Management

1660 hrs/yr

Saved in Contract Renewals

Rec Room lacked visibility into their full SaaS usage. Spreadsheet tracking led to discrepancies and missed renewals. The absence of centralized visibility made it difficult to detect unsanctioned apps and manage shadow IT effectively.


Rec Room opted for CloudEagle's 15-day free trial, achieving frictionless integration in just 30 minutes. CloudEagle swiftly provided full SaaS spend visibility, including app usage and cost per license, streamlining data upload and contract tracking.


CloudEagle's rapid onboarding process swiftly provided Rec Room with a centralized view of their SaaS stack, enhancing SaaS app management. They detected and eliminated unauthorized apps, addressing Shadow IT within a day, resulting in cost savings.

Key Highlights:

Rec Room was onboarded in just 30 minutes, gained centralized SaaS visibility into their portfolio, eliminated unauthorized apps and achieved significant cost savings.


At Rec Room, our team had no clear view of the total number of SaaS applications in use. We were only tracking a portion of our SaaS stack through spreadsheets, but discrepancies arose between these records and our actual SaaS spending.

Although the IT and finance teams considered various SaaS visibility and spend management solutions, they hesitated due to the longer onboarding processes involved. Understanding the true extent of our SaaS stack was difficult due to the lack of centralized visibility.

When our spreadsheet records didn't align with our spending, the IT team suspected the presence of unsanctioned applications in our SaaS ecosystem.

However, relying solely on spreadsheets made it challenging to identify shadow IT. Additionally, using spreadsheets for SaaS contract tracking caused us to miss out on SaaS renewals.


Rec Room wanted a 360-degree view of their SaaS stack and visibility into spending to take necessary cost optimization measures. 

“We looked at all possible solutions and then decided to proceed with CloudEagle as their existing customers were praising their rapid onboarding process, which was evident in our first meeting,” says Devin Murphy. 

Rec Room decided to go ahead with CloudEagle's 15-day free trial, to begin with. 

  • CloudEagle integrated with their SSO and finance system on the 1st day of onboarding with just a 30 mins onboarding call.
  • Once all the data was synced, CloudEagle segregated SaaS from non-SaaS, providing complete visibility into their SaaS spending, app usage, cost per license, and unlocked optimization insights. 

Rec Room uploaded all the existing data in their current vendor spreadsheets, like employee departments, renewal dates, and business owners, to the CloudEagle platform with a simple spreadsheet upload. 

  • All their SaaS contracts and other contract-related documents, which were tracked manually, were also uploaded to the platform by CloudEagle. 

At this point, Rec Room was convinced that CloudEagle was the platform they wanted to work with for complete visibility into their SaaS spending, app usage, etc., and decided to proceed. 


“We looked at all possible solutions and then decided to proceed with CloudEagle as their existing customers were praising their rapid onboarding process, which was evident when we signed up.”

- Devin Murphy, Senior Accounting Manager, Rec Room

Complete SaaS stack visibility

Rec Room wanted a 360-degree view of their SaaS stack and visibility into spending to take necessary cost optimization measures. Rec Room decided to go ahead with CloudEagle's 15-day free trial, to begin with.

Easy and quick integration

CloudEagle integrated with their SSO and finance system on the 1st day of onboarding with just a 30 mins onboarding call. Once all the data was synced, CloudEagle segregated SaaS from non-SaaS, providing complete visibility into their SaaS spending, app usage, cost per license, and unlocked optimization insights.

Centralized contract management

Rec Room uploaded all the existing data in their current vendor spreadsheets, like employee departments, renewal dates, and business owners, to the CloudEagle platform with a simple spreadsheet upload. CloudEagle uploaded all of Rec Room's SaaS contracts and other contract-related documents to the platform, eliminating the need for manual tracking. This efficient process saved 1,230 hours in contract management.


Rapid onboarding

The onboarding process was swift, and it helped Rec Room discover the true size of its SaaS landscape immediately. CloudEagle provided a centralized view of their SaaS stack, making managing their SaaS apps easier. Rec Room achieved a 70% reduction in time spent on SaaS management.

Shadow IT

With complete visibility, Rec Room identified unsanctioned apps existing in their system within just a day of onboarding and emailed the users of the unauthorized apps resulting from shadow IT. All the duplicate apps were eliminated, resulting in thousands of dollars of cost savings.

SaaS renewals 

CloudEagle automatically extracted all necessary information from the SaaS contracts and initiated renewal workflows 90 days in advance based on the renewal dates. This proactive approach helped Rec Room stay on top of their SaaS renewals, renewing their contract on time and reducing renewal management time by 1660 hours.

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