CloudEagle Delivers Savings of $300,000 in 120 days for ICEYE

High SaaS expenses and underwhelming ROI troubled us. CloudEagle's experts saved us nearly $300,000. Their continuous support, valuable insights, and negotiation skills helped us optimize SaaS spend during market uncertainties.

- Lucas Dermois, IT Systems Architect, ICEYE

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Savings by downgrading plans


Days to realized savings

ICEYE spent $2.2 million yearly on SaaS but had limited IT, operations, and Finance resources. This led to 70+ SaaS apps in 10 months, overspending due to limited negotiation bandwidth and a lack of benchmarking data for vendor negotiations.


CloudEagle analyzed SaaS contracts, prioritizing upcoming renewals. We optimized licenses based on usage, selected the plan that satisfied the usage, and deprovisioned idle users. Benchmarking data was used for successful price renegotiations.


CloudEagle saved ICEYE over $300,000, countless hours of negotiation time, and continues to work with the customer for effective SaaS management and procurement.

Key Highlights:

In 120 days, CloudEagle saved ICEYE about $300,000 while streamlining SaaS procurement and freeing up valuable time. Their ongoing partnership ensures continued savings and efficient SaaS management.


Over three years of rapid growth, our annual SaaS spending reached $2.2 million. While employee growth in departments like engineering, sales, and marketing expanded, IT, operations, and finance teams lagged behind, a common occurrence in growing companies.

Within 10 months, various teams independently acquired more than 70 SaaS applications. The Finance and Operations team prioritized negotiations for top vendors but lacked the resources for comprehensive negotiations or price benchmarking for other apps.


CloudEagle's SaaS experts initiated a comprehensive review of all SaaS contracts, prioritizing those up for renewal within 120 days. 

Optimized Video Conferencing Licenses: It was identified that most employees underutilized the "Enterprise" plan, leading to a switch to the more cost-effective "Pro" plan for 80% of users.

CRM License Right-Sizing: After analyzing CRM usage and revealing that 70% of the marketing team never utilized it, CloudEagle advised the removal of unused licenses.

Cost Benchmarking and Renegotiations: Identified 33 apps purchased at higher prices than industry peers–CloudEagle negotiated favorable terms.


"CloudEagle's integrations provided complete visibility into our purchasing licenses, We identified the usage on each licenses, this enabled us to right-size them based on usage, resulting in significant savings"

- Lucas Dermois, IT Systems Architect, ICEYE

Comprehensive contract review

CloudEagle's SaaS experts conducted a thorough review of all SaaS contracts, prioritizing those nearing renewal within 120 days. This proactive approach ensured efficient management of contracts and timely decision-making.

Optimizing licenses for efficiency

CloudEagle identified opportunities for optimization, such as with video conferencing licenses. Due to underutilization of the "Enterprise" plan, they transitioned 80% of users to the more cost-effective "Pro" plan, maximizing cost efficiency.

Right-sizing CRM licenses and cost benchmarking

Through meticulous analysis, CloudEagle revealed insights into CRM usage, leading to the removal of unused licenses for 70% of the marketing team. Additionally, they identified 33 apps purchased at higher prices than industry standards and successfully negotiated more favorable terms, ensuring cost optimization across the board.


Significant cost savings

Through CloudEagle's meticulous approach, ICEYE achieved significant cost savings in the first 120 days, totaling close to $300,000.

Renegotiations and savings

This included optimizing video conferencing licenses for $45,000 in savings, right-sizing CRM licenses, which resulted in an additional $28,000 saved, and successful renegotiation for 33 applications, securing an extra $200,000 in savings.

Streamlined SaaS procurement and management

These measures reduced expenses and streamlined SaaS procurement and management, saving countless hours. Our continued partnership ensures ongoing savings and efficient software procurement.

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