IT Asset Management Challenges and Ways To Overcome It

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September 26, 2024
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With the rise of SaaS, traditional asset managing methods may no longer be effective. To tackle IT asset management challenges, you must adopt an efficient strategy and newer technologies for automation.

Managing an organization’s assets involves systematically tracking, managing, and optimizing software, hardware, and licenses. Many organizations struggle to establish and maintain effective IT asset management practices.

These issues can be addressed with proper asset management strategies and specialized ITAM tools. This insightful article curated by ITAM experts will help you overcome your IT asset management challenges.


  • IT asset management is an ongoing process, essential for managing software, hardware, and licenses to optimize costs and enhance security.
  • Common challenges like lack of visibility, compliance issues, and cost management can lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources.
  • Automating IT asset management with specialized tools helps improve data accuracy, mitigate risks, and streamline operations.
  • CloudEagle offers complete SaaS visibility, automated renewals, license harvesting, and cost optimization to manage IT assets effectively.
  • Adopting a modern ITAM strategy with tools like CloudEagle can help organizations reduce costs, avoid compliance issues, and improve overall efficiency.

Why should you give importance to IT asset management?

IT application asset management isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. It’s easy to overlook its importance, but continuously improving and streamlining your asset management practices is crucial.

When you have a well-established IT asset management strategy, it helps you by:

Streamlining operations: Effective IT asset management ensures everything is well-organized and orderly. This leads to efficient deployment of new IT assets, simplified maintenance, and a clear overview of what tools you have and where they are. As a result, your operations run more smoothly, saving time and reducing hassle.

Reducing downtime: Regular maintenance and monitoring help prevent unexpected asset failures. If an asset fails to work correctly, accurate records allow for quick replacements or repairs. This minimizes interruptions to your IT systems, keeping your business running without significant delays.

Optimizing costs: Managing IT assets helps avoid unnecessary spending and maximizes the use of existing resources. Having detailed and accurate asset data records assists with better budgeting and forecasting for future asset needs." This way, you reduce wasted expenditures and maximize your current investments.

Enhancing security: Proper IT application asset management improves security by keeping track of hardware and software updates. It also ensures compliance with security policies and manages access controls. This helps protect your IT infrastructure from vulnerabilities and unauthorized use, enhancing overall security.

Mitigating Risks: Effective IT asset management reduces legal, operational, and financial risks. Accurate records help ensure compliance with licensing agreements and avoid legal issues while preventing unexpected costs and operational disruptions.

Common IT asset management challenges

Managing IT assets—like software licenses, hardware, servers, and other technology—is crucial for any organization, but it’s not always straightforward.

Here’s a breakdown of some common challenges you might face:

1. Lack of visibility and inventory control

Keeping track of software applications and their licenses can be tricky. It becomes more challenging, particularly in larger organizations. Without proper visibility, you may not know which applications are in use, how many licenses are active, or where each application is installed.

This lack of supervision often leads to the phenomenon known as shadow IT. In such scenarios, employees or departments may independently acquire and deploy software without formal approval or tracking.

Image of's Duplicate applications module

As a result, multiple applications with overlapping functionalities might be used simultaneously. This redundancy results in inefficient use of resources and increases the risk of compliance issues and unnecessary costs.

For instance, imagine an organization that uses various software tools, such as office suites, CRM systems, and industry-specific applications. Without a centralized system to track these applications, the IT department may struggle to monitor which departments are using which software.

As a result, one department might end up overusing licenses for a design tool. On the contrary, another might not use its allocated licenses effectively. This lack of supervision can lead to wasted resources and unexpected costs.

2. Cost management and optimization

Managing software costs involves more than just the purchase price. It includes subscription fees, maintenance costs, and potential upgrades. Without careful monitoring, these costs can quickly add up.

Suppose your company subscribes to several SaaS services like project management platforms and data analytics tools. If you don’t regularly review how these services are used, you might pay for more licenses or higher-tier plans than necessary.

For instance, you might be subscribed to a premium plan for a project management tool with features that most employees don’t use. It leads to unnecessary costs for the company.

3. Compliance and regulatory issues

Ensuring that software complies with licensing agreements and regulatory requirements is essential. Failure to comply can result in legal and financial penalties.

In the financial services sector, software applications that handle customer financial data must comply with strict standards like ISO 27001 for information security, SOC 2 Type II for data security, and GDPR for data protection.

If your organization uses software that fails to meet these standards—perhaps due to insufficient encryption or inadequate access controls—there could be serious repercussions.

For example, your organization could face substantial fines and legal action if the software does not properly safeguard financial information according to ISO 27001 requirements.

4. Security risks

Software applications are vulnerable to security threats if not properly managed or updated. This includes risks from outdated software, unpatched vulnerabilities, and inadequate security settings.

Suppose your organization uses several software applications, including email clients and collaboration tools. If any of these applications are outdated or not regularly patched, cybercriminals could target them.

For example, an outdated email client might have known security flaws that hackers can exploit to access sensitive information. Similarly, a collaboration tool lacking up-to-date security features could expose confidential data to unauthorized users.

5. Integration with other systems

Software applications often need to integrate with other systems within the organization, such as finance or HR systems. Poor integration can lead to data inconsistencies and operational inefficiencies.

Your organization’s HR management system might need to sync with the financial system for payroll processing. If this integration is faulty, it could result in incorrect payroll calculations or mismatched employee records.

For instance, if the HR system updates employee work hours but these changes aren’t reflected in the financial system, it could lead to payroll errors or delays.

Strategies to overcome ITAM challenges

Managing IT assets can be tough, especially as organizations grow. From keeping track of equipment to ensuring compliance, there are many hurdles to overcome.

However, these challenges can be addressed effectively with the right strategies, including:

1. Enhance visibility and inventory control

To manage your IT assets well, you need to know exactly what you have and where it is. Start by creating a detailed list of all your hardware and software. Use asset management tools to keep this list up-to-date and track your assets in real-time.

Regularly check and update your inventory by conducting physical audits. This way, you can quickly spot and fix any issues, like missing or misplaced items. Knowing where everything is helps you make better decisions and run your operations more smoothly.

2. Improve data accuracy

Having accurate data about your IT assets is crucial for making good decisions and avoiding mistakes. Set up regular checks to update and verify your asset information. Use automated tools to reduce errors that come from manual data entry.

Make sure your data is validated and consistent by implementing checks that catch errors early. Training your team on how to enter and manage data correctly will also help keep your records accurate and reliable.

3. Strengthen security & compliance measures

Keeping your IT assets safe and following legal requirements are key to protecting your organization. Set up strong security measures to defend against cyber threats and unauthorized access. Regularly review and update your security practices to stay ahead of new risks.

Make sure you are compliant with relevant laws and regulations by staying informed about any changes. Conduct regular audits to check that your security and compliance efforts are effective. This will help you protect sensitive information and avoid legal problems.

4. Optimize cost management

Managing costs effectively helps you get the most value from your IT investments and avoid unnecessary spending. Review your IT budget to find areas where you can save money or get better deals.

Look for opportunities to combine software subscriptions or cut services that are not used. Negotiate better terms with your vendors if possible. Consider cost-saving options like cloud services or virtualization. Regularly checking your spending helps ensure you are using your budget wisely.

5. Enhance lifecycle management

Managing your IT assets throughout their entire lifecycle—from when you acquire them to when you dispose of them—is important for efficiency and saving money. Create a plan that includes maintaining, upgrading, and replacing your assets as needed.

Make sure to handle the end-of-life phase properly by securely disposing of old equipment to protect data and follow environmental rules. Good lifecycle management helps you get the most out of your assets and reduces costs over time.

6. Regular training and awareness programs

Educating your team about IT asset management is crucial for smooth operations and avoiding mistakes. Offer regular training to inform your staff about new tools, processes, and best practices.

This training should cover data entry, security measures, and compliance. Keeping your team up-to-date helps them manage assets more effectively and creates a culture of continuous learning.

7. Leveraging an ITAM tool

Investing in an IT Asset Management (ITAM) tool or a Software Management Platform (SMP) with asset management capabilities is essential if you want the best for your organization in managing IT application assets.

These tools automate various processes, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and better optimization of your SaaS assets. They also provide insights and suggestions for cost optimization.

For instance, is a powerful tool designed for this purpose. CloudEagle offers advanced SaaS management and procurement features, making it ideal for managing IT application assets. It provides comprehensive visibility into your SaaS stack, identifies opportunities for cost savings, and helps manage unused or underutilized licenses. One solution, Many IT asset management benefits

CloudEagle is an all-in-one SaaS management, governance, renewals, and optimization solution. By leveraging such a tool, you can streamline your SaaS asset management and achieve better control over your software investments.

Complete SaaS visibility: CloudEagle provides unparalleled visibility into your entire SaaS portfolio. You get a comprehensive view of your software stack with over 500 integrations across various applications, including HRIS, finance systems, SSO solutions, and browser applications.

This holistic approach ensures you can track all your SaaS assets, monitor usage patterns, and manage applications seamlessly from a single interface.

License management: The advanced license management feature helps you efficiently track and manage all the software licenses within a single dashboard.

Also, CloudEagle’s license harvesting capabilities enable you to reclaim unused or underutilized licenses. You can later reassign these licenses to other employees, optimizing software spending.

Image of's low usage applications module

You can make informed decisions about renewals and purchases by continuously monitoring license utilization, avoiding unnecessary costs.

Here's how RingCentral harvested unused licenses from Salesforce and saved $1.2 million in a year, check out this inspiring success story.

Contract management: Managing contracts is simplified with’s AI metadata extraction capabilities. The tool automatically extracts and organizes critical details from your contracts, such as expiration dates, renewal terms, and pricing.

Image of's contract management module

This cuts the manual effort, minimizes errors, and ensures you never miss a deadline or renewal opportunity.

Renewal management: Stay ahead of contract renewals with an intuitive renewal calendar. CloudEagle’s renewal management feature offers a clear and actionable calendar view of all upcoming renewals, helping you manage deadlines and avoid last-minute scrambles.

Image of's contract renewal module

Automated reminders and alerts ensure you’re well-prepared to renegotiate terms or make informed decisions about continuing or discontinuing services.

Falkonry faced costs and downtime from missed SaaS deadlines. Switching to CloudEagle for automated renewals and reminders replaced their spreadsheets, leading to cost savings and better efficiency. Read the success story here.

Read the inspiring success story here.

Cost optimization: CloudEagle’s cost optimization capability enables you to maximize your software investment. By analyzing spending patterns and usage data, our platform identifies opportunities for cost savings, such as consolidating subscriptions or negotiating better pricing.

Reporting capabilities: CloudEagle offers advanced reporting capabilities that provide in-depth insights into your SaaS assets, usage patterns, and financial performance. You can generate various customizable reports to analyze software utilization, track spending, and assess the effectiveness of your SaaS investments.


IT application asset management is an ongoing task that requires continuous attention. Though this process is crucial for any organization, it often presents significant challenges. Managing various hardware, software, and licenses can be complex and time-consuming.

It comes with challenges like maintaining accurate IT records, tracking asset lifecycles, and keeping up with rapid technological changes. Managing large volumes of assets manually can lead to errors, inefficiencies, outdated records, and increased costs.

Organizations should combine automation with modern tools to overcome IT asset management challenges. Automated ITAM solutions enhance data accuracy, streamline tracking, and maintain up-to-date inventories.

If you need help managing your organization’s assets and streamlining your operations, can be your go-to solution. With, managing your assets and automating various processes becomes a breeze.

Schedule a demo with to see how it can help you tackle IT asset management challenges and enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your IT operations.

Written by
Raja Adhikary
Content Writer
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