SaaS Masterminds - Future-Proofing Procurement: Strategies for Hyper-Growth Companies

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We welcome you to “SaaS Masterminds,” Season 2 of the CloudEagle podcast. In this episode, Nidhi Jain, the founder and CEO of CloudEagle, takes the stage as the host and welcomes Nayive Martinez, Global Procurement Manager at Bolt, as our esteemed guest.

Nayive brings extensive experience in procurement, overseeing categories such as Engineering, Platform, and People. She emphasizes the strategic approach required for effective negotiations and contract management. Nayive stressed the importance of understanding the company's spend behavior, categorizing expenditures, and tailoring strategies per category for maximum efficiency.

One key aspect Nayive discusses is Bolt's shift from hyper-growth to sustainable growth, which provided an opportunity to streamline procurement practices and grow long-term relationships with vendors. She added that this shift allowed for a structured and meticulously planned strategy, reinforcing Bolt's negotiating position and amplifying leverage at the negotiation table. 

Nayive offers a comprehensive insight into procurement, covering negotiation tactics, spend categorization, and tips to boost purchasing efficiency. She discusses the importance of building trust and transparency with vendors for successful partnerships. 

You will learn the modern procurement best practices, vendor relationship management techniques, how technology will influence the future of procurement, and more invaluable tactics.

Don't miss this insightful conversation with Nayive, who offers actionable advice for navigating the complexities of procurement and driving strategic value for businesses.

0:00 - Introduction

0:50 - Najia introduces herself and her role at Bolt

3:22 - What prompted Najia to become a procurement manager

5:23 - Najia shares her advice for aspiring procurement managers

7:38 - How Najia and her team tackled challenges and turned red flags into success stories

9:22 - The importance of resilience

11:22 - How procurement priorities have changed from 2023 to 2024

13:12 - The importance of building strong relationships with vendors

14:22 - How to approach contract renewals and negotiations

16:32 - Importance of cost analysis and understanding the spend

18:22 - Different approaches to negotiation based on the type of service

20:22 - Importance of execution and follow-through

21:22 - Maintaining positive relationships with vendors

21:44 - Concluding remarks and parting thoughts

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Notion Plus
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$67.20 - $78.72
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