8 User Access Management Software

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June 27, 2024
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Access management software plays an important role in your business. It can safeguard data, ensure compliance with regulations, cut costs, and enhance the user experience.

It also protects your valuable assets by ensuring that only authorized individuals, under the right conditions, can access specific data and resources.

Remember that user access management software is essential to your cybersecurity strategy. It involves placing identity-based controls at the core of your security architecture.

To help you choose the right solution for your business, we will discuss the top 8 UAM software that can prove highly beneficial and the importance of using UAM software.  

What is User Access Management Software?

User access management software is crucial for managing and controlling access to your organization's digital resources. It ensures that users have the appropriate access to systems, applications, and data based on their roles and responsibilities.

With user access management software, you can authenticate and authorize users effectively. The software verifies user identities, grants necessary permissions, and maintains detailed records of user activities.

Moreover, UAM software supports features like single sign-on (SSO), simplifying the login process. It also includes multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security, requiring multiple verification methods to confirm a user’s identity.

Why Do You Need User Access Management Software

Despite your company's size and niche, using UAM software is critical. It can help your business stay protected from phishing and malicious attacks. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about your data falling into the wrong hands.

Here's why using robust UAM software will benefit your business.

Enhanced Security

With user access management software, you can always protect your company’s sensitive data and resources with the best security practices. These tools can manage who has access to what information, reducing the attack surface.

UAM software implements various safeguards to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data. This protects your organization from external threats and manages various risks.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Many industries must adhere to regulatory requirements regarding data security and privacy. User access management software helps you comply with GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and PCI-DSS standards.

These tools ensure that you can demonstrate compliance during audits. Proper compliance can reduce the risks of expensive fines.

Reduced Operational Costs

Automating user access management processes can help you save a significant amount of money. Without manual intervention in access provisioning and de-provisioning, you can lower administrative costs and minimize the risk of errors.

Additionally, efficient access management can help prevent costly downtime and security incidents, which can help you save more money.

Centralized Management

User access management software offers a centralized platform to manage identities and permissions. This will simplify the user access tracking and audit process.

It will also help you identify and address potential security issues without problems. IT teams can also respond quickly to changing access needs.

8 User Access Management Software

1. CloudEagle

CloudEagle is undoubtedly one of the best SaaS management and procurement platforms. With CloudEagle’s end-to-end identity and access management features, you don’t need to worry about unmanaged accesses.

CloudEagle’s integrated solution can streamline your business’s access management and boost security. You can leverage the centralized dashboard's best benefits to manage user access, roles, and permissions across all your SaaS apps.

Moreover, we will ensure you’re not granting and revoking access manually. Thanks to automated provisioning, your IT teams can automate onboarding and offboarding processes. This way, they can save time and focus on other important tasks.

CloudEagle’s integration library is also extremely beneficial for any business. Not only can CloudEagle integrate with your native internal systems, but the 500+ direct integrations will help you gain valuable insights into each applications. These include user access, spend data, contract, and license details.

From complete user access visibility to comprehensive reporting features, CloudEagle can help you manage user access effectively. Here are some key access management features of CloudEagle that you should know.

Transparent access control

With CloudEagle, you can control who has access to which applications. You can create an intuitive application catalog. From there, users can easily send application requests. You can also assign app admins to review the requests and grant access.

CloudEagle features a self-service portal that allows admins and employees to request and grant app access. Admins receive instant alerts via email and Slack when a request is made, enabling them to handle it easily.

Easy app access tracking

We will help you obtain application logs during compliance and security audits. From your CloudEagle portal, you can directly export access logs showing which users have access to each app.

Automated user provisioning

Our automated user provisioning capabilities remove the need for spreadsheets or manual processes. The auto-provisioning workflows will allow you to automatically assign access to new users according to their roles and responsibilities.

onboarding, prompt offboarding

Automated user deprovisioning

We also assist in automatically deprovisioning users when they exit your organization. With CloudEagle, you can quickly revoke user access, eliminating concerns about malicious activities.

Image showing auto-deprovisioning rules

You can use workflows to automatically deprovision users if they haven't logged in to the application over a certain period of time.

App recommendations

CloudEagle will ensure your new employees don’t send app access requests and wait for their approvals. We will recommend the best applications depending on the employee’s department and designation. As you can grant them app access right away, they can be productive from day one.

Integration capabilities

CloudEagle provides 500+ integrations without any additional cost. You can integrate CloudEagle with HRIS, Single Sign-On, and finance apps. After you complete the integration, we will provide you with accurate data and solid data protection across your SaaS apps.

Here’s a success story from Alice Park on how CloudEagle helped Remediant streamline their user provisioning and deprovisioning.


  • CloudEagle can help you learn about app access. You will know who’s accessing which applications, leading to more transparency.
  • CloudEagle will help you know access logs for all applications. In case of any data breaches, the application logs will help you investigate further.
  • The automated onboarding and offboarding feature of CloudEagle will let you streamline the provisioning and deprovisioning processes.
  • When someone joins or leaves your company, CloudEagle will ensure their access is granted and revoked immediately.


CloudEagle's pricing structure is super transparent. You will know how much you’re paying for services without hidden costs.

Moreover, CloudEagle provides three pricing plans. They are:

  • Starter: $2,000/month
  • Growth: $3,000/month
  • Enterprise: $4,000/month

Remember that the pricing is dynamic, and it will depend on your employee bucket size. So, we recommend contacting us, and we will help you choose the right plan for your business.

2. Okta

Image of Okta's dashboard

Okta is a leading identity and user access management software. Founded in 2009, it has quickly become a trusted name in the field. It’s designed to securely connect people to the right technologies at the right time.

While Okta has various UAM features, the single sign-on (SSO) feature is undoubtedly eye-catching. SSO allows you and your users to access multiple applications with one login credential, simplifying user experience and improving productivity.

Okta has adaptive multi-factor authentication. It can protect your security by requiring multiple verification forms, such as passwords, biometrics, and tokens, to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access.

Okta can also automate onboarding and offboarding processes. When you use this UAM software, your users will have the appropriate access levels throughout their lifecycle within your organization.


  • Okta’s robust security features protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, giving you peace of mind.
  • With SSO and automated lifecycle management, your employees can focus on their tasks without any problem.
  • Okta is designed to scale with your organization. Therefore, it is suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Okta integrates seamlessly with a wide range of applications and services.


  • Okta's pricing structure is very confusing. Moreover, it can prove expensive for small businesses.
  • Implementing and configuring Okta can be complicated as you need technical knowledge
  • Some users may find the interface and features less intuitive than other UAM solutions.


If you want to use Okta to streamline your business’s user access management, make sure you chat with their sales team. You can also get a 30-day free trial.

3. Auth0

Image of Auth0's dashboard

Auth0 offers a comprehensive suite of features to meet your identity and access management needs. One of its core features is Single Sign-On (SSO), which allows users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials.

This user access management software has a Universal Login feature. It can streamline the login experience across all your applications by providing a single and customizable login page. This can be tailored to match your brand for a consistent look and feel.

Auth0’s extensive API and extensibility features make integrating your existing systems and applications easy. You can leverage pre-built connectors or use the platform’s powerful APIs.

Additionally, Auth0 provides comprehensive user management capabilities. This ensures users have the right access at the right time.


  • Auth0 offers robust security features, including MFA and extensive support for various authentication protocols (OAuth, OpenID Connect, SAML).
  • Whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, Auth0 can handle your identity and access management needs as you grow.
  • Auth0 supports login through social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
  • Auth0 complies with industry standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC 2.


  • Auth0’s pricing model can be expensive, especially for small businesses or startups with limited budgets.
  • The platform's extensive features and customization options can cause a steep learning curve for new users.
  • Integrating Auth0 into your applications can introduce some performance issues, especially during peak usage times.


Auth0 provides plans for both B2B and B2C businesses. Each has four different pricing plans. Investment will also depend on headcount.

Here’s how much your B2B business needs to pay if you have 500 monthly active users:

  • Free: $0
  • Essentials: $150
  • Professional: $800
  • Enterprise: Contact sales

4. Jumpcloud

Image of Jumpcloud's dashboard

JumpCloud gives you a single platform to manage all your identity and access needs. You can handle everything from user accounts and device management to secure logins and access control.

As a cloud-based solution, JumpCloud helps you connect your employees to any resource and secure their remote devices from anywhere in the world. You can easily onboard new users and devices with automated workflows from one convenient web console.

Additionally, you can tailor security measures to your needs. For example, you can implement strong multi-factor authentication (MFA) for sensitive resources while streamlining access to everyday resources. You can also implement Zero-Trust security, ensuring users can only access the necessary resources.


  • A single and unified platform to consolidate directory services, SSO, MFA, and more.
  • Implement flexible security policies that adjust to the context of each access attempt.
  • JumpCloud's pricing model is often more affordable than traditional on-premises solutions.
  • The user interface is straightforward. You and your employees will face no navigation issues.


  • While JumpCloud integrates with many popular applications and services, it may not offer the same breadth of integrations as some larger IAM vendors.
  • Customization is pretty low compared to other access management software.
  • You cannot access Jumpcloud without a strong and reliable internet connection.


Jumpcloud provides 5 pricing plans. They are:

  • Device Management: $9/user/month billed annually
  • SSO: $11/user/month billed annually
  • Core Directory: $13/user/month billed annually
  • Platform: $19/user/month billed annually
  • Platform Prime: $24/user/month billed annually

5. OneLogin

Image of Onelogin's dashboard

With OneLogin, you can streamline access to all your applications. Are you wondering how? It’s because you can give your employees a single set of credentials.

This eliminates the hassle of remembering multiple passwords and simplifies everyone's login process. With OneLogin's robust security features, including comprehensive reporting and auditing, you can easily monitor user activity and detect potential security threats.

You'll also appreciate the seamless integration with your existing directory services, ensuring consistency in user profiles and permissions. This way, you can automate user management and minimize the risk of errors or inconsistencies in user data.


  • OneLogin provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for employees to access the needed applications.
  • You can easily provision and deprovision users which will help you save time.
  • Employees can quickly access all required applications with a single login.
  • OneLogin's multi-factor authentication (MFA) and real-time threat detection add an extra layer of protection.


  • Implementing OneLogin can require some initial effort to configure.
  • Relying on a single vendor for identity and access management can make switching difficult.
  • OneLogin's reliance on internet connectivity for authentication can be a problem.


OneLogin has two primary pricing plans:

  • Advanced: $4/user/month
  • Professional: $8/user/month

They also provide other types of standalone plans around identity and access management. Visit their pricing page for more information.

6. SailPoint

Image of Sailpoint's dashboard

SailPoint is one of the best user access management software items. With SailPoint, you can centralize access to all applications and data from a single dashboard. This simplifies managing user access, automating compliance, and generating audit-ready reports.

This IAM software will allow you to receive alerts for unusual user behavior. This way, you can take precautions before losing any data or sensitive information.

SailPoint's identity governance capabilities help you define and manage user identities across your business. Moreover, you can easily manage user lifecycles from onboarding to offboarding, while maintaining compliance with industry regulations.


  • SailPoint provides a self-service portal for users to manage their own access requests and reset passwords.
  • It can streamline access requests and approvals to reduce the administrative burden on your IT team.
  • As it can identify access-related risks, you can protect your sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  • SailPoint will help you track user activity and generate audit-ready reports. This will reduce the risk of non-compliance and potential fines.


  • SailPoint has a steep learning curve. Users and administrators will require additional training.
  • Integrating SailPoint with existing systems and applications can be time-consuming.
  • SailPoint’s pricing structure is completely non-transparent. You won’t even find any pricing page on their website.


As we’ve mentioned, SailPoint doesn’t disclose its pricing structure. You need to schedule a demo with them, and they will quote you customized pricing.

7. Ping Identity

Image of Ping identity's dashboard

Ping Identity is another popular user access management software. With Ping Identity, you can simplify how your employees access different applications. It eliminates the need for them to remember multiple credentials by providing a single login for everything.

You can seamlessly integrate Ping Identity with your favorite cloud platforms. As a result, you can ensure consistent identity management across your IT environment.

Another excellent feature of Ping Identity is that it can make user access efficient by offering single sign-on. Your team can access various applications and services with just one set of credentials.

You also needn’t worry about security. Ping Identity features adaptive authentication, which evaluates the context of each login to assign risk levels.


  • You can choose between cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid deployments to match your organization's specific needs.
  • You will have secure access to resources across domains and platforms. This will boost collaboration with external partners.
  • Ping Identity ensures that access rights are updated in real time as employees join or leave the organization.
  • This UAM software also secures APIs to ensure secure data exchange between applications.


  • Ping Identity requires ongoing maintenance and updates, adding to the overall costs.
  • You can occasionally experience average performance, leading to slower authentication or authorization times.
  • Ping Identity's built-in reporting and analytics capabilities are highly effective


Remember that Ping Identity provides for customers and the workforce. We will focus on the workforce part here. The pricing plan is clear, without any hidden fees.

  • Essential: $3/user/month
  • Plus: $6/user/month
  • Premium: Contact sales

The Premium pricing plan is most appropriate for large businesses. Contact their sales team to get a customized quote.

8. Microsoft Entra ID

Image of Microsoft entra's dashboard

With Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), you can strengthen the security of your access environment. This cutting-edge cloud solution protects your data with strong authentication and adaptive policies.

You'll boost productivity and reduce the hassle of password management, ultimately streamlining your operations. The platform also lets you easily integrate tools to build applications that safeguard sensitive data and employee identities.

Entra ID gives your IT team a centralized hub to manage user identities, whether your systems are in the cloud or on-premises. It will also give you better visibility and control over your organization's users and activities.


  • MS Entra ID can easily adapt to your organization's growth and accommodate increasing users and applications.
  • You will be able to manage both cloud and on-premises identities seamlessly.
  • It integrates with numerous Microsoft and third-party applications to streamline workflow and boost productivity.
  • You will get bundled licensing options that can be more cost-effective than purchasing individual licenses.


  • The extensive features and customization options can make the initial setup and configuration complex.
  • While it offers bundled licensing, the overall cost can be expensive, especially if you have a smaller business.
  • You may face limitations or require additional integrations if you rely heavily on non-Microsoft technologies.


Microsoft Entra ID provides four pricing plans, including free. Here’s their pricing structure:

  • Microsoft Entra ID Free: $0
  • Microsoft Entra ID P1: $6/user/month
  • Microsoft Entra ID P2: $9/user/month
  • Microsoft Entra ID Governance: $7/user/month

Discover Joshua Peskay's approach to optimizing Shadow IT in organizations. Learn from his insights and strategies as he introduces an ROI score for SaaS tools aimed at maximizing efficiency in managing software resources and optimizing Shadow IT.


With the right user access management software, you can ensure your business’s data and resources are safe from hackers. These individuals are always on the lookout for new security breaches, so make sure your business stays protected from them.

While choosing the right UAM software, remember to consider your primary needs and goals. If the provider offers a free trial option, test the features before making the initial investment. Moreover, pay close attention to the pros and cons to understand the software's capabilities.

Are you seeking the best software to streamline your company’s user access management? Schedule a demo with CloudEagle today and let the experts help you.

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